
July 5, 2018

Today, President Donald Trump tweeted that he accepted scandal plagued EPA administrator Scott Pruitt’s resignation.

July 5, 2018

New reporting from POLITICO found that Utah Governor Gary Herbert copied talking points provided by an oil and gas industry lobbyist nearly verbatim in a letter sent to the EPA requesting an exemption from safeguards that control the amount of life-threatening smog pollution in local air.

July 3, 2018

Today, Politico reported that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt placed Elizabeth Beacham White, the former treasurer of Pruitt's political action committee, in charge of an office that has been slow to release his most sensitive documents.

July 3, 2018

Yesterday, reporting by CNN, Washington Post, and the New York Times shows more corruption, and possible law breaking, from EPA administrator Scott Pruitt. Trump Administration whistleblowers indicate that Pruitt and his aides kept "secret" calendars and schedules, routinely “scrubbing them” to hide controversial meetings and calls with representatives of corporate polluters and disgraced figures like Cardinal George Pell.

June 27, 2018

Oklahoma City, OK -- Today, the Oklahoma Sierra Club rallied to “Boot Pruitt” outside of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation event in Oklahoma City where EPA administrator Scott Pruitt is hosting the event. On June 26th and 27th, Pruitt is hosting top environmental officials from North America in Oklahoma City as part of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, a commission created as part of the implementation of the NAFTA.

June 26, 2018

Migrant tent city sites have poisoned water.

June 25, 2018

From day one, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt has constantly put himself in hot water. But with all the bad news from the past few days, the pot Scott Pruitt is standing in isn’t just boiling, it’s boiling over.

June 22, 2018

Fearing a public relations nightmare, Scott Pruitt’s EPA and the Trump administration decided to withhold a study for 6 months that detailed drinking water contamination at more than 125 Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps bases from toxic perfluoroalkyls (PFAS) exposure. Before the report release, the EPA had been assuring military members that higher levels of PFAS exposure were safe, but the new report details the safe levels of PFAS are much lower, meaning the more than 3 million military members, military families and veterans who get their drinking water from from Department of Defense systems are all at greater risk.

June 19, 2018

Tulsa, OK—Yesterday, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt granted the request by his home state of Oklahoma to exempt coal ash dumps from federal oversight. This decision puts the health and welfare of Oklahomans at risk and it violates federal law. The move is especially shocking in light of evidence that every coal ash dump in the state tested positive for toxic contamination in nearby groundwater.

June 11, 2018

A new letter to Scott Pruitt from Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), the Ranking Member of the House Oversight Committee, finds that new policies implemented at the EPA to process FOIA requests are delaying the release of information on Pruitt’s activities and behavior at the EPA.

June 7, 2018

Today, the Washington Post reported that Scott Pruitt used the largest EPA security detail in history - funded by taxpayer dollars - to run errands for him, including going lotion shopping and picking up his dry cleaning.

June 6, 2018

Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt abused his position at EPA in an attempt to secure a Chick-fil-a franchise for his wife. In emails obtained via the Sierra Club’s FOIA litigation, Pruitt’s taxpayer-funded staff are revealed to have reached out to Chick-fil-a to pursue a “business opportunity” that turned out to be this money-making effort by Pruitt. In response, Senator Joni Ernst said Pruitt “is about as swampy as you get here in Washington, DC. And if the president wants to drain the swamp, he needs to take a look at his own Cabinet.” Senator James Inhofe, one of Pruitt’s closest allies, stated “I don't know whether it is true or not. It is not going to help his career. Nonetheless, that could be a problem if it turns out to be true."