Pruitt Tries to Clamp Down on Transparency and FOIA Process

Pruitt put a political operative in charge of legally-required transparency process

Lauren Lantry, 

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Politico reported that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt placed Elizabeth Beacham White, the former treasurer of Pruitt's political action committee, in charge of an office that has been slow to release his most sensitive documents. Political interference in the FOIA process is illegal, yet Scott Pruitt has put a political operative in charge of his own transparency efforts, raising serious questions about the process.

The EPA instituted an extra layer of review that has added an unprecedented amount of delay and obstructionism. According to Politico, Pruitt's office has had the slowest response rate of any section of the agency, far exceeding legal deadlines and prompting a massive surge in court challenges.


In response, Matthew Miller, Staff Attorney, Sierra Club, released the following statement:

"This is a transparent attempt to stop transparency. Documents obtained by the FOIA process have revealed scandal after scandal for Pruitt. This revelation raises questions as to whether some of EPA’s review process has focused on self-interested damage control by attempting to hide Pruitt’s unethical tendencies and cozy relationships with polluters, rather than providing the public with the information to which they are lawfully entitled.”


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