
October 9, 2018

We already knew acting EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler had some problematic likes and comments on social media (tweeting “Milo Truther” conspiracy tweets, tweeting an implication that South Korean musician PSY and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un are the same person, etc.) but the tweets, likes and comments uncovered by the Huffington Post today, are a new low.

October 1, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In celebration of Children’s Health Day today, former coal lobbyist and acting EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler held an event at the EPA courtyard. At the event, Wheeler was asked by reporters about the EPA’s recent rollbacks to the clean car standards and the Clean Power Plan. Wheeler’s response denied the negative impacts the rollbacks of both these safeguards will have on our health.

October 1, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC – As North Carolina communities grapple with the pollution from industrial pig, chicken, and turkey operations that flooded during Hurricane Florence, community groups and an allied national coalition filed a legal complaint in federal court late Friday challenging a Trump administration policy that unlawfully exempts industrial animal feeding operations from having to report toxic pollution under a federal emergency planning and right-t

August 14, 2018

Today, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed a lawsuit claiming the Chicago Trump Tower is violating the Clean Water Act.

August 1, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, at his hearing before the Senate Environment and Public Works committee, acting EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler confirmed that he will continue Donald Trump and former EPA administrator Scott Pruitt’s attacks on clean air, clean water, and climate action. Wheeler did not mention any new safeguards or actions that will further reduce air or water pollution, but he did mention several rollbacks that will increase pollution. Wheeler has already rolled back protections from coal ash.

July 31, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, EPA Air Chief Bill Wehrum told reporters that it is “totally wrong” to think that limits on air pollution should always be a strict as possible.

July 31, 2018

Tomorrow, coal lobbyist, Scott Pruitt deputy, and current Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler will face the Senate Environment and Public Works committee as new questions swirl about his relationships with corporate polluters and whether he can fulfill the opaque promises of transparency he’s making to the media. Yet, after just a short month in his interim role it's so far, not so good for Wheeler. Reality is failing to match the rhetoric he is peddling to EPA staff, to the Senate, to the media, and to the American public.

July 26, 2018

WASHINGTON D.C. - Acting EPA Administrator and recent coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler is under scrutiny for possibly violating the Trump administration’s ethics pledge and other ethics promises.

July 13, 2018

The Associated Press reported this morning that EPA Chief of Staff Ryan Jackson admitted in testimony before Congress to expediting a FOIA submission at the request of a corporate polluter lobbyist. Meanwhile, Bloomberg also reported that EPA “manipulated” its handling of FOIA requests to benefit Scott Pruitt. The incident was first exposed as a result of the Sierra Club’s ongoing FOIA litigation and production, with the original emails online here.

July 13, 2018

After almost 60,000 pages of documents from Scott Pruitt’s EPA turned over to the Sierra Club via FOIA litigation, extensive media coverage on scandals those records, thousands and thousands of public comments and actions urging Pruitt’s resignation, dozens of rallies in Oklahoma and beyond, and successful engagement by the #BootPruitt coalition nationwide, Pruitt has finally resigned as EPA Administrator.

July 11, 2018

Today, Scott Pruitt’s former Deputy EPA Administrator and current Acting EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler addressed Washington, DC EPA employees for the first time. Among his first actions was to announce that Henry Darwin would take his old job as acting EPA Deputy Administrator. When hired by Pruitt, Darwin demanded a high-paying job for his wife at the EPA that she received.

July 9, 2018

Only one day in, acting EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler, a coal lobbyist, is already accumulating his share of scandal and controversy as he pursues Scott Pruitt’s corrupt agenda of eliminating safeguards that protect Americans from air and water pollution.