Trump Implies He’ll Nominate Public Health Threat Andrew Wheeler to Lead the EPA

As Acting Administrator Wheeler has harmed public health every 3 days

Lauren Lantry, 

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, President Trump said that “Maybe he won't be so acting so long” in regards to Andrew Wheeler after complimenting his job performance. As acting EPA Administrator, from rollbacks of major clean air safeguards, to meeting with Big polluters, to misleading and inaccurate statements, Wheeler has moved to harm public health every three days.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

"If we've learned one thing from Andrew Wheeler's test run atop the EPA its this: once a coal lobbyist, always a coal lobbyist. Wheeler has proven that he is who we thought he is: someone who will sell out the health of the public to corporate polluters and fail at implementing the mission of the EPA every chance he gets. Every three days in office, Wheeler has threatened the health and safety of our families, our clean air, our clean water, and our climate, and he should not be nominated to lead the EPA. It is not the job of the EPA administrator to wheel and deal with corporate polluters, it is to help protect American families from toxic pollution. Wheeler has no business being confirmed to a full-time role at EPA, and any Senator who supports him has made clear they are prioritizing polluter profits over the public.”


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