
May 29, 2023

Washington, DC – After weeks of Republicans threatening to default on America’s debts for extreme cuts in spending and fossil fuel industry handouts, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy and President Biden agreed to a deal to raise the country’s debt ceiling.

May 10, 2023

This morning, the White House released a set of legislative priorities designed to accelerate federal permitting and environmental reviews for infrastructure projects. 

May 3, 2023

President Biden’s senior advisor for clean energy innovation and implementation John Podesta signaled that the president is supportive of a bill reintroduced by Senator Manchin yesterday. Under the guise of “permitting” reform, the bill would undermine bedrock environmental laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), force dirty infrastructure projects on vulnerable communities, and jeopardize the clean air and water of communities across the country.

May 2, 2023

Washington, DC - After many

27 de abril de 2023

Los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes finalmente aprobaron su regalo legislativo a los contaminadores en lugar de cumplir con su obligación de elevar el techo de deuda y evitar una crisis financiera.

April 26, 2023

House Republicans just passed their polluter wishlist bill in exchange for fulfilling their obligation to raise the debt ceiling and avert a financial crisis. The final version of the bill included even more drastic cuts to widely-supported programs and efforts after changes were made in the middle of the night to garner support of some holdouts within their caucus. President Biden has already vowed to veto the bill, which means this stunt gives Congress little time to seriously address the possibility of defaulting on the nation’s debt.

April 26, 2023

Washington, DC – As House Republicans prepare to bring their extreme polluter wishlist to the floor in exchange for raising the debt ceiling and averting financial crisis, they’ve reportedly made changes to the bill in the middle of the night in hopes

18 de abril de 2023

Se ha informado que el Presidente de la Cámara Baja, Kevin McCarthy, y su Bancada Republicana planean exigir recortes masivos en las inversiones de justicia ambiental, el clima y otros transcendentales programas.

April 17, 2023

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans are reportedly planning to demand massive cuts to investments in environmental justice, climate, and other critical programs as part of negotiations on key legislation that would raise the debt ceiling and avert a financial crisis.

30 de marzo de 2023

La Bancada Republicana de la Cámara Baja aprobó hoy la HR 1, la “Ley de Protección a los Contaminadores, No al Público”, la cual exacerbará la crisis climática, perpetuará las injusticias ambientales, y pondrá en peligro la economía y seguridad nacionales.

30 de marzo de 2023

El Senado Federal, en una votación de 53 a 43, anuló la regla actualizada de protección de las Vías Acuáticas de Estados Unidos (WOTUS), la cual identifica qué aguas—incluyendo arroyos, ríos, humedales y otros—deben protegerse.

March 30, 2023

Today, Congressional Republicans passed H.R. 1, the “Polluters Over People Act, which would exacerbate the climate crisis, perpetuate environmental injustices, and jeopardize U.S. economic and national security by extending our country’s reliance on risky and volatile energy sources. The legislation would also undermine bedrock environmental laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act, by short-circuiting permitting processes and limiting valuable public input.