
June 3, 2019

Yesterday the Bureau of Land Management released a new environmental review of the largest coal mine expansion in the history of federal coal leasing - Arch Coal’s Black Thunder and Peabody’s North Antelope Rochelle mines in Wyoming.

May 30, 2019

Today, 125 locals and activists gathered to oppose Governor Herbert’s energy agenda by convening their own People's Response to the Governor's Energy Summit in support of just transitions away from fossil fuels for rural, coal-dependent communities, ratepayers, and communities suffering from environmental injustices.

May 30, 2019

Governor Jared Polis of Colorado signed seven major new bills into law today that will significantly transform Colorado’s energy and environmental landscape, and guide the state towards the Governor’s 100% clean, renewable electricity goals.

May 29, 2019

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK -- Following a weekend of heavy storms and record flooding, the Oklahoma chapter of the Sierra Club has formally requested that both the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conduct a field investigation as soon as possible to determine whether unpermitted discharges of coal ash are occurring.

May 28, 2019

Monday the Illinois Legislature passed SB9, the Coal Ash Pollution Prevention Act, which now heads to the Governor’s desk. The groundbreaking bill addresses the many waste pits filled with coal ash, the toxic byproduct of burning coal, located all over the state. Illinois is now the third state in the country to pass legislation providing significant coal ash protections above and beyond federal requirements.

May 24, 2019

Rockville, MD -- A Maryland Circuit Court ruled in favor of local community members and environmentalists on a power plant owner’s efforts to block safeguards protecting clean water in the state at the Chalk Point power plant in Prince George’s County.

May 23, 2019

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK -- At noon on Tuesday, May 28, 2019, the Sierra Club will hold a rally opposing OG&E’s proposed rate hike. OG&E is requesting to force ratepayers to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for excessively costly work on OG&E’s Sooner coal-burning power plant. The rally will take place prior to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's (OCC) hearing on the rate increase, the afternoon of Tuesday, May 28, and there will be space for media.

May 23, 2019

Ohio Clean Air Program” anything but clean

May 22, 2019

esterday, media outlets reported that former coal lobbyist and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler sent a memo to several EPA offices, directing them to change how they calculate cost and benefits for environmental protection in an effort to undercut the agency’s use of peer reviewed science in the development of new rules.

May 20, 2019

Albany, N.Y.— Eleven various organization submitted comments today supporting the Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) efforts to decrease dangerous smog pollution downstate. Last week, DEC hosted three public hearings in Albany, New York City and Long Island on new nitrous oxide (NOx) pollution limits for over 40“peaker” gas plants, located across Long Island and New York City. “Peakers” only run during times of peak energy demand a handful of days a year, but they emit enormous amounts of toxic pollutants into our air -- harming New Yorkers health and leaving downstate New York with some of the worst air quality in the country.

May 20, 2019

Clean air experts sounded the alarm today as the New York Times reported that former coal lobbyist and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler plans to abandon peer-reviewed science in order to sell the Trump Administration’s Dirty Power Plan, its attempt to roll back the Clean Power Plan.

May 20, 2019

Today, Sierra Club, Fresh Energy, Union of Concerned Scientists, Center for Energy and Environment, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Clean Grid Alliance, LIUNA (Laborers’ International Union of North America) Minnesota and North Dakota, and Xcel Energy filed an agreement with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MNPUC) that proposes retirement dates for Xcel’s remaining coal units and includes historic investments in solar energy and energy efficiency.