
March 14, 2022

New Orleans, LA – Last Friday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Biden Administration’s proposed Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, which will protect Americans from dangerous cross-state air pollution from coal-burning power plants and other industrial sources in 26 states. The announcement comes weeks after notice was given to Louisiana and 18 other states that their state implementation plans to curb pollution were not enough.

11 de marzo de 2022

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) propuso hoy la regla de Contaminación del Aire Interestatal, la cual protegerá al público contra la peligrosa polución de las plantas térmicas de carbón que el viento traslada de un estado a otro, beneficiando a 26 de ellos.

March 11, 2022

Oklahoma City, OK – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Biden Administration’s proposed Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, which will protect Americans from dangerous cross-state air pollution from coal-burning power plants and other industrial sources in 26 states. The announcement comes weeks after notice was given to Oklahoma and 18 other states that their state implementation plans to curb pollution were not enough. 

March 11, 2022

St. Louis, MO – Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Biden Administration’s proposed Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, which will protect Americans from dangerous cross-state air pollution from coal-burning power plants and other industrial sources in 26 states. The announcement comes weeks after notice was given to Missouri and 18 other states that their state implementation plans to curb pollution were not enough. 

March 11, 2022

As coal-fired power plants across the country start to analyze the cost of adding pollution controls to their smokestacks, Jacksonville’s Northside Generating Station squeaks by this round of regulation.

March 10, 2022

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Biden Administration’s proposed Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, which will protect Americans from dangerous cross-state air pollution from coal-fired power plants and other industrial sources in 26 states.

March 10, 2022

Today, Sierra Club appealed the Wisconsin Public Service Commission’s unlawful approval of We Energies proposal for new Liquified Natural Gas storage (LNG) facilities in Ixonia and Bluff Creek. The Sierra Club appeal challenges the PSC’s failure to adequately consider clean energy and efficiency alternatives such as weatherizing homes and incentivizing industrial users to cut use during peak heating days. The evidence before the PSC demonstrated that the LNG facilities will raise bills and invest in long-lived fossil fuel infrastructure, which is inconsistent with federal and state policies calling for a reduction in gas use. The LNG facilities would meet a peak demand for gas that is unlikely to occur and, if it did, could be met with much less expensive alternatives like efficiency and customer incentives.

March 10, 2022

Houston, TX – Today, in a speech to the fossil fuel industry at CERAWeek, EPA Administrator Michael Regan previewed the Biden Administration’s plans for safeguarding communities from deadly and dangerous power plant pollution. 

February 28, 2022

As one of the worst states in the U.S. for carbon pollution, Indiana is critical to creating climate solutions.

February 17, 2022

20 community members with Iowa CCI, Sierra Club Beyond Coal, and DSM BLM took part in a demonstration Thursday afternoon during an Iowa Energy Center Board Meeting. The group gave public comments, and demanded the CEO of MidAmerican Energy - Kelcey Brown, commit to phasing out coal plants by 2030, end utility shut offs, and invest in energy efficiency programs.

February 17, 2022

President Biden and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael S. Regan announced yesterday plans to use $1 billion, allocated by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to clean up and restore severely degraded sites throughout the Great Lakes region. The investment will target the most polluted sites, known as “Areas of Concern,” many of which are in environmental justice communities heavily burdened by toxic industrial legacies.

February 15, 2022

Oklahoma City, OK -- A new report published today by the Sierra Club identifies key lessons to be learned from 2021’s Winter Storm Uri, which left over seven hundred people dead and caused approximately $200 billion in damages.