
July 28, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, Senators voted to proceed on debating narrow bipartisan infrastructure legislation, a sign of progress that President Biden and Democratic Congressional leadership are working to meet the needs of people in communities across America who are suffering from the increasing consequences of the climate crisis, decades of infrastructure neglect, and systemic inequity.

June 28, 2021

Oakland, CA— As part of its 125-year journey, Sierra —the national magazine of Sierra Club, the most enduring and influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States—has unveiled a dynamic redesign. 

June 24, 2021

If a bipartisan infrastructure package is incapable of addressing the urgency of the climate investments needed in this country, then it is no real deal at all. That is why our message to Congress right now is: no climate, no deal. Because as Secretary Buttigieg so eloquently put it, every infrastructure decision is a climate decision. To seize this once-in-a-generation opportunity, Congress must move a bold infrastructure package that tackles the climate crisis before moving any bipartisan deal.

June 10, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. ­­– Today, Change the Chamber, a coalition of over 100+ student groups from across the country, supported by over 25 organizations including Public Citizen, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and the Sierra Club, sent a letter calling on corporations to leave the U.S. Chamber of Commerce unless the nation’s largest business lobbying group takes meaningful steps to end their climate hypocrisy and cease their destructive pro-fossil fuel lobbying.

May 26, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Senator Wyden advanced the Clean Energy for America Act in the U.S. Senate Finance Committee.

May 26, 2021

Today, at ExxonMobil’s annual general meeting, shareholders voted for the election of at least two new members on Exxon’s board of directors, a powerful rebuke to the company’s long-running failure to act on the climate crisis and put forward a sustainable business plan.

May 13, 2021

Washington, DC -- Today, JPMorgan Chase released its 2030 interim emissions “intensity” targets for its financing of oil and gas, electric power, and auto manufacturing, following the bank’s October commitment to align its financing activities with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

May 6, 2021

BlackRock and Vanguard Fail to Disclose How They Voted

May 5, 2021

Charlotte, NC -- Tomorrow, Duke Energy, the second largest emitter of climate-polluting carbon dioxide in the country, will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) where it will face questions from shareholders on its failure on climate and racial justice.

April 27, 2021

San Francisco, CA -- Today, at Wells Fargo’s virtual annual shareholder meeting, the bank faced questions about its massive fossil fuel financing and lack of a credible climate-aligned transition plan, but top shareholders like Vanguard and BlackRock appeared to maintain the status quo by voting to re-elect Board Chairman Charles Noski.

April 21, 2021

Today, on the eve of President Biden's Leaders Summit on Climate, saw the announcement of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), an industry-led initiative including a set of guidelines for banks to use in implementing net zero commitments and setting science-based targets for 2030 or sooner.

April 19, 2021

Washington, DC -- Today, the Department of the Treasury announced the appointment of John Morton as the Department’s first Climate Counselor to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Morton is tasked with leading the newly established Climate Hub that will work across the Department to mitigate climate-related financial risks and advance President Biden’s goals of 100% clean energy and a net zero emissions economy.