
22 de abril de 2022

El Presidente Biden, en medio de llamados en todo el país para actuar audazmente contra la crisis climática por medio de decisiones legislativas y ejecutivas, emitió hoy una orden ejecutiva sobre bosques y otras soluciones basadas en la naturaleza.

April 22, 2022

Today, as calls continue to mount demanding bold climate action through legislation and administrative action, President Biden issued an executive order on climate forests and nature-based solutions. The order, which was detailed in a speech celebrating Earth Day, launches a process to define and inventory old and mature forests on federal lands, so that policies are enacted to conserve them, and initiates a nature-based solution assessment to understand nature capital and ecosystems to help in the preservation and conservation of natural places.

April 21, 2022

Today, President Joe Biden will issue an executive order that directs federal agencies to conduct an inventory of mature and old-growth forests on America’s federal lands so that policies can be adopted to protect them. The administration framed the move as a key strategy to store carbon and address climate change.

21 de abril de 2022

Este Día de la Tierra, miles de miembros del Sierra Club y sus aliados y activistas se van a lanzar a las calles y por medio del arte e instarán al Presidente Biden y al Congreso a que cumplan sus promesas de invertir seriamente en el combate contra la crisis climática, la dificultad de pagar por bienes y servicios, y la rampante injusticia social.

15 de abril de 2022

La anual Semana de Parques Nacional regresa del 16 al 24 de abril. El evento celebra los parques nacionales y lugares históricos y anima a todos a disfrutar de los parajes naturales y explorar la historia, cultura y paisajes de estos terrenos y vías acuáticas.

April 15, 2022

The Massachusetts Sierra Club applauds the state Senate for passing a climate bill last night that would take steps to create incentives, investments, and targets necessary to meet the state’s goals for clean energy and transportation.

April 12, 2022

PHOENIX, AZ -- Today, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) voted 4 to 1 to reject Salt River Project’s proposal to expand its gas-fired Coolidge Generating Station. The expansion would pollute surrounding communities, like the nearby historically Black neighborhood of Randolph, exacerbate the climate crisis, and raise costs for customers.

4 de abril de 2022

El Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático emitió su Sexto Informe de Evaluación del Grupo de Trabajo 3 sobre métodos de mitigación climática y cómo limitar el ascenso de las temperaturas globales a 1,5 grados centígrados.

March 25, 2022

This morning, President Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced the development of plans to help the EU end its reliance on Russian gas in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The announcement lays out strategies to both expand the supply of US-produced gas to Europe and to reduce Europe’s need for fossil fuels. Gulf Coast communities are speaking out against any plans the Task Force may develop to expand gas exports as this will endanger their communities and environment, which are already overburdened by industry presence.

March 18, 2022

A crowd of 50 people descended on the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality public hearing last night, urging regulators to defend the Louisiana coast and reject plans to issue an air permit to the Commonwealth gas export facility.

February 15, 2022

Conserving our remaining older forests and trees on federal public lands is one of the country’s most straightforward, impactful, and cost-effective climate solutions. If the Biden Administration is going to lead in solving the climate and biodiversity crises, it must protect these carbon critical climate forests and set an example for the world. Along with over 70 groups that support the Climate Forests Campaign, Sierra Club calls on the Administration to enact a strong, lasting rule that protects old and mature trees and forests across federal lands as a cornerstone of US climate policy.

February 14, 2022

AUSTIN, TEXAS -- A new report published today by the Sierra Club identifies key lessons to be learned from 2021’s Winter Storm Uri, which left over seven hundred people dead and caused approximately $200 billion in damages.