Sierra Club Rallies in Support of Clean Power Plan

Activists gathered across the country to show their support for the Clean Power Plan (CPP). Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air

Pictured, above, Sierra Club organizer Whitney Pearson toasts Obama, the EPA, and the release of the final CPP at Oklahoma "Cheers to the Clean Power Plan" Happy Hour as one of twenty or so Club members in attendance, August 6. Team Oklahoma highlighted a supportive op-ed by guest of honor Dr. Mark Davies. Davies' piece ran in a conservative statewide newspaper, and this encouraged attendees to follow up with supportive letters to the editor.

Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air

The Las Vegas Sun's picture, above, of Clean Energy Project executive director Jennifer Taylor, features Sierra Club volunteers proudly displaying "Clean Energy is Our Future" signs. Taylor speaks to the Plan at one of two events held in Nevada within a couple hours of Obama announcing the final Plan.Liberty Plaza, Atlanta State Capitol, Youth Activist, Activism, Sierra Club, CPP, Clean Power Plan

Together under the sun in one hundred degree weather, August 5 in Atlanta, over 125 activists united at Sierra Club #CleanPowerforGA Celebration. Georgia NAACP's Reverend Willian E. Flippin, Jr. and "White House Champion of Change" Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley both spoke of the moral imperative put forth in Pope Francis' encyclicalLaudato Si, "On Care for Our Common Home". Youth activist Mikayla Wiseman, above, hailed the public benefits of the CPP outside the State Capitol's Gold Dome, with her inhaler in her pocket.

The CPP will reduce pollutants that contribute to the soot and smog that make people like Mikayla, who has lived with asthma for eight years, sick, thus helping to reduce asthma attacks and premature deaths in children by over 25 percent. #CleanAir4Kids

Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air

"As a mother of (almost) two, the Clean Power Plan gives me both a great sense of relief and hope for our children's future. Acting responsibly towards the environment is the only way forward". -- Evangeline Lilly, Actress, Activist, and Mother

More Sierra Club exclusive celebrity quotations in support of the CPP can be found HERE.

The Sierra Club's Dakota Chapter held a celebratory "Ice Cream Social" Thank You Event for President Obama's Clean Power Plan on July 30 at Trollwood Park in Fargo, North Dakota. Members, the public, and membership of the North Country Trail Association were all invited. Former North Dakota State legislator Ed Gruchalla spoke, and CPP-shirt-sporting, sign-holding participants stood together, posing with a Club banner for a group photo. The picture was sent to the President, EPA Director Gina McCarthy, Governor Jack Dalrymple III, and congressional delegation.

In Seattle, under a solar panel picnic awning in the south-end of the city, the Sierra Club had a picnic in Jefferson Park with environmental justice ally, Got Green. Picnickers created and signed a giant "Thank You" card for President Obama, sent to the White House with group picture, below.
Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean AirIndiana! Club members, below, threw a Clean Power Party at the Indiana Statehouse, emceed by District 16 City-County Councilor of Indianapolis, Zach Adamson and featuring Carmel Mayor James Brainard; complete with remarks from Muncie Mayor Dennis Tyler, and Congressman Andre Carson.Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air
Over 200 Indiana activists and partner organizations rallied for the CPP. Sierra Club partners included Hoosier Interfaith Power & LightOFA IndianaEarth Charter IndianaHoosier Environmental CouncilEastside Creation Care NetworkEnergy Matters ColumbusElders Climate Action, and Carmel Green Initiative. Sierra Club organizers mobilized carpools from nearby cities of Bloomington and Columbus.Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air
Over 67,000 Hoosiers have signed petitions in support. For video footage of the rally, click here!Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air
Texas! Sierra Club member David Cortez and Team Austin organized a press conference at City Hall Plaza, below, to show big polluters that Texans support strong climate action. The conference was a collaboration of the Sierra Club and Environment TexasPublic CitizenEnvironmental Defense FundTexas Physicians for Social ResponsibilitySustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition, and Texas Impact. The press conference featured Deacon Sam Dunning (Galveston-Houston Archdiocese), Michael Skelly (Clean Line Energy Partners Founder and President), Dr. Susan Pacheco (UT Health Science Center Department of Pediatrics Assistant Professor), Steve Brown (Capitol Assets Managing Director), and Luke Metzger (Environment Texas, Director).Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air120 Sunflowers represented the number of Missouri lives that will be saved each year with the Clean Power Plan. Two local music acts and four different speakers representing health, clean energy, and faith communities attended. Missouri attendees planned to write letters to editors of local publications in support of the Plan.Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air
Minnesota! Minnesotans lauded the final Plan with both Xcel Energy and Minnesota Power continuing to see themselves as well-positioned to comply with the state's 40.3% carbon reduction goal.Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air

"We think that strategy has Minnesota Power well positioned to meet the Clean Power Plan, as well as Minnesota's greenhouse gas reduction goal". -- Minnesota Power's Amy Rutledge

“Implementing clean energy is familiar ground for Xcel Energy. We have worked for years with our states to increase the use of renewable resources, to help customers save energy and to modernize and retire our coal plants – all at a reasonable cost. This approach has put our company on a sound course to achieve a 30 percent reduction in carbon dioxide by 2020. We appreciate the EPA’s willingness to work with stakeholders in developing this groundbreaking and complex set of regulations. It will take time to thoroughly review and assess the full impact of the rules. While we expect the Clean Power Plan does not provide everything we hoped for in terms of fully recognizing the early actions of proactive states and utilities, Xcel Energy is ready to move ahead. We look forward to working with our states in the best interest of our customers, ensuring we continue to meet their expectations for clean, reliable and affordable power". -- Xcel Energy CEO Ben Fowke

Minnesota Power and Xcel Energy’s coal plants alone are responsible for an estimated 2,000 asthma attacks, 200 heart attacks, and 115 deaths per year, reportedly.

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Club member Karen Monahan connected affected community members with state leaders and forged a partnership with Green For All and local climate justice allies through media events which initiated this organizing effort. Media events and partnership on a climate and drought photo project highlighted the CPP as a solution. Minnesota's Environmental Quality Board youth leader representatives presented 6000 petitions, in support of a strong and just plan with state based implementation, to MPCA and environmental justice groups. Monahan also engaged youth from the Science Museum of Minnesota's Urban Heat Island Network program in radio interviews, an editorial board visit with the Minnesota Spokesman Recorder (the state's largest African American newspaper), and a number of other events. 

The CPP "will prevent up to 90,000 childhood asthma attacks, meaning more Americans can breathe easier", stated Illinois representative Keith Ellison. Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Tina Smith agrees, “The Clean Power Plan is a good step forward for our country. Here in Minnesota, these rules will build on our bipartisan efforts to build a renewable energy economy and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. With fossil fuels costs likely to remain volatile in the future – continuing to collaborate on a cleaner, more sustainable energy future will be good for both the environment and the economy". On the day of the release, Pollution Control Agency Commissioner John Linc Stine said that Minnesota "imports all of its electric generating fuel sources, except renewables", adding, "Clean energy is good for Minnesota".

Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air

In Duluth, Sierra Club Team Minnesota, with instrumental member Natalie Cook, organized a press event with faith, health and clean energy leaders. Senator Al Franken and staff for Representative Rick Nolan attended; Alexis Boxer of Beyond Coal was quoted in this: Minnesota Public Radio story.Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air

"This is a truly historic day for our country—and for future generations who will be better off because of the steps we're taking now to address the threat of climate change. The Clean Power Plan will help clean up the air, and at the same time, it will create a lot of renewable energy and energy efficiency jobs in Minnesota and across the nation. This plan works for Minnesota, and builds on our strengths. It provides states like ours—which are already on the right track when it comes to addressing emissions—flexibility in implementing these new rules. Furthermore, it encourages stronger investments in the clean energy sector. Not addressing climate change isn't an option. This landmark proposal will help us attack the problem head on, and in a smart and sensible way". -- Senator Al Franken

Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air
Ohio! Team Ohio and HELEN (Helping Environmental Leaders Engage Neighbors) Administrator Neil Waggoner joined with Ohio Heartland Community Action Commisson partners for two press events, the week before and the day of the release.
Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air 
Articles published in The Columbus Dispatch, Cleveland's The Plain Dealer, and The Hannah Report, contain quotes from prominent attendees. Proffessor and football Coach Robert McCollister, Reverend Pamela Pinkney Butts, and Tracy Sabetta of Initiative Consulting attended the rally and press conference.Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean AirMichigan! On August 15, Team Michigan held a Clean Power Plan press conference at the Southeast Michigan Group's annual Green Cruise. Following the festival they all marched and rode in tandem at the scenic parade, above, in support of the plan.Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air
Waukegan! On August 10, members of the Clean Power Lake County Coalition gathered on the Waukegan lakefront, in the shadows of the Waukegan coal plant, to celebrate the Clean Power Plan. State Senator Melinda Bush, Waukegan Alderman David Villalobos, Yuridia Carbajal of the Most Blessed Trinity Parish's Father Gary Graf Center, Jennifer Witherspoon of the NAACP Lake County Branch, and Kim Wasserman of the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization, addressed the over fifty activists in attendance, Former congressman Brad Schneider, Congressman Bob Dold's District Director, and members of the Lake County Board and Waukegan City Council.

"The event furthered the relationship with Waukegan and Little Village in their shared struggle for a just transition beyond coal". -- Christine Nannicelli, Sierra Club

Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air

Chicago! In partnership again with the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition, the Sierra Club organized a celebratory press conference with Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Congressman Bobby Rush, Congressman Mike Quigley, Reverend Otis Moss III (Trinity United Church of Christ), Dr. Susan Buchanan (Director of Great Lakes Center for Children's Health, University of Illinois at Chicago), and Patrick Woodson (Chairman of E.ON Climate & Renewables). The Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition now has over 50 environmental, consumer, public health, faith, and social justice organizations as well as over 150 clean energy businesses. Please click aquí for coverage from Chicago's leading spanish language newspaper, Vívelo Hoy.Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean AirAlton! Festivities at a Clean Power Plan Celebration (party hats and kazoos included!), and petition delivery down-state. Activists called on legislators to support the CPP and co-sponsor the Illinois Clean Jobs Bill. Sierra Club volunteer leaders Laura Asher and Chris Krusa emceed the event. Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean AirTeam Illinois and Erin Crilly of Beyond Coal had a Clean Power Plan Celebration and Petition delivery, above, with citizens and three partner groups.

Representatives from Youth Environmental Network (YEN), Straight up Solar, and United Congregations of Metro East (UCM) all joined in the fun. The festive rally began in song and resulted in the delivery of hundreds of petitions to Senator William Haine and Representative Ben Beiser. Pastor Norma Patterson (President of UCM), Eden Vitoff (founding member of YEN), and Bruno Dosso from Straight up Solar and 41 community members delivered 275 petitions to Senator Haine and Representative Beiser.

Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean AirMontana! Approximately 60 Kansas Citians celebrated the CPP on August 1. To start, the Kansas City Department of Health Deputy Director commented on climate change’s effects on children and low-income communities using statistics and anecdotal stories. Participants called Senator Claire McCaskill or Governor Steve Bullock to encourage their support of the CPP.Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air

Sierra Club president Aaron Mair, at center, celebrated with activists in Chatanooga, Tennessee.

Activists also gathered in Pennsylvania, Florida, New York, North Carolina, and Utah to take part in visually exciting community press events such as those featured above, and below.

Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air

Bellingham! The Mount Baker Group met at a local brewery, hosting a CPP party. Aslan Brewery supports Oregon in transition from a coal dependency through to clean energy in supporting campaigns such as the Club's Beyond Coal, "Coal-Free" Oregon PSE campaign. Members old and new shared in a toast, or two. A local group member addressed the efforts led by Obama and Governor Inslee to end climate disruption in a speech.

Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air, ArtAnd last, but not least, Spokane!Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean AirThe Spokane, Washington community; Sierra Club activists, artists, community leaders and officials, all joined together on August 18 to celebrate the CPP, envision our clean energy future, and celebrate real climate action at Energize Spokane! art event. The event was curated by local arts collective, Terrain. #WeAllBuildThisSierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean AirThe Sierra Club worked with an extensive list of partners to bring over 200 people together in this conservative part of Washington for a fun night of local music, art, and refreshments. Guests at Energize Spokane! celebrated in conjunction with a listening session for state-based Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy. Enjoying the work of organizers and of local artist Ashley Rae Vaughn and artist Jacob Johns; The BlueGreen Alliance, The Young Emerging Labor Leaders Spokane ChapterProfessional Musicians of the Inland NW (AFM Local 105), Climate Solutions, and the Washington Environmental Council joined in the fun.Sierra Club, Clean Power Plan, Clean Air, ArtEach attendee who signed in received a Sierra Club shirt and a raffle ticket for a chance to win a painting created at the event by one of the artists.

Very important participants included state Representative and President of Spokane Regional Labor Council, Timm Ormsby; Spokane Regional Labor Council Seceretary and Treasurer, Beth Thew, and other devoted community and environmental leaders.
To view an art time-lapse video of the Energize Spokane! banner creation, by volunteer and artist Sherri Urann, please click: HERE.

Thanks be to All!


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