Sierra Club Acts in Solidarity with The Illuminator on Clean Power Plan National Day of Action

The Illuminator (@illuminator99) has a stated mission to "smash the myths of the information industry and shine a light on the urgent issues of our time." An operation of all-volunteer collective The Illuminator Affinity Group, The Illumniator first shone their projected messages on the issue last December in Anchorage working with the Sierra Club, Greenpeace (@greenpeaceusa), and the Alaska Wilderness League (@alaskawild). 

Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Illuminator, the Alaska Wilderness League

On July 30 of this year, the Sierra Club took to the streets of DC with activists, Greenpeace, and The Illuminator in support of #SHELLNO and #ActOnClimate messages for lawmakers. Climate change deniers of the Chamber of Commerce, the American Petroleum Institute, and the Republican National Committe, all recieved projections to the façade.

shell no, arctic, sierra club, illuminator, DC

 #SHELLNO to the Big Oil lobbyists of the American Petroleum Institute.

shell no, arctic, sierra club, illuminator, DC

Shown left: The Illuminator and Sierra Club (@sierraclub), and to the far right: The Republican National Committee (@GOP).

shell no, arctic, sierra club, illuminator, DC

#ActOnClimate, bright and clear, for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (@USChamber).

shell no, arctic, sierra club, illuminator, DC

More images of this enlightening joint action here, and here!

ACT NOW: Stop Shell from drilling the Arctic Ocean

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