Renewable Energy Lobby Day in Harrisburg

Renewable Energy Lobby Day – June 12

On Tuesday, June 12, activists from across the state will join together at the state capitol building in Harrisburg to voice our support for House Bill 2132 which calls for the state of Pennsylvania to set a goal of transitioning our energy sources to 100% clean renewable energy by 2050.Earth Day Rally

While the Ready For 100 program calls for setting similar goals at the community level (cities, townships, boroughs), and our volunteers have been making progress in raising the awareness for the need to transition to renewable energy, communities also recognize that there are state energy policies that are acting as impediments to achieving community level goals.

Let’s rally on the steps of the capitol and speak to our legislators about setting renewable energy goals – because we need to, for the planet, for our health, for local jobs. Making transition plans – because we all need a roadmap to get to where we are going. And suggesting policy changes that will provide stepping stones along that road. Register for Renewable Energy Lobby Day with Sierra Club HERE. Sign our group letter HERE.

Thanks for your support for this important action.

Jim Wylie
Southeastern PA Group, chair, Ready For 100 volunteer leader

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