Virginia Cramer

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Press Releases

Sierra Club on House Oversight Hearing, Park Police and DHS Violence

WASHINGTON, D.C. --  At an oversight hearing today the House Natural Resources Committee pushed for answers on last month’s violent attack on peaceful protestors at Lafayette Square by U.S. Park…

Sierra Club Statement on Passage of House Interior, EPA Appropriations Bills

WASHINGTON D.C.-- The House today passed the FY2021 Minibus 1. The bill increases funding for the U.S. Department of the Interior and the Environmental Protection Agency and includes provisions to…

Sierra Club on House Passage of NDAA

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The House today passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Included among the provisions is a requirement that the Pentagon remove Confederate names, references, and…

Sierra Club Op-Ed: Racism is Killing the Planet

OAKLAND, CA -- Hop Hopkins, Director of Strategic Partnerships for Sierra Club is out with a powerful piece in Sierra Magazine detailing the inextricable connection between the  climate crisis…

ICYMI--  Trump Administration Squeezes Clean Energy, Bails Out Fossil Fuels

Reporting from Reuters reveals that the Trump administration has chosen this moment -- in the midst of historic economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic that’s decimating the clean energy…

Sierra Club Welcomes Clean Water for All Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Representatives DeFazio and Napolitano today introduced the Clean Water for All Act. The Act reaffirms Congress’ commitment to the Clean Water Act by overturning the Trump…

Trump Administration Working Group Proposes Uranium Industry Giveaway

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- The Nuclear Fuels Working Group released recommendations today calling for a revival of the uranium industry and increased U.S. exports. The recommendations are the latest proposal…

Trump Administration Finalizes Dirty Water Rule

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- The Environmental Protection Agency today published a final rule in the federal register stripping Clean Water Act protections for more than half the nation’s wetlands and millions…

WH Oil Executive Invite Highlights Misplaced Priorities

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Donald Trump is expected to meet with oil executives tomorrow at the White House to discuss additional aid for the industry in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting comes…

Sierra Club on Senate Stimulus Package Passage

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Senate today passed a stimulus package aimed at alleviating economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. The package follows an agreement reached by the White House and…