Shannon Van Hoesen

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Press Releases

Groups Intervene at FERC to Stop New England Grid Operator from Increasing Costs to Consumers

Washington, DC - Sierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists, and Conservation Law Foundation filed a protest on Friday at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), regarding a plan by New…

House Republicans Pass Plan to Hold America’s Economy Hostage in Exchange for Fossil Fuel Handouts

Washington, DC – House Republicans just passed their polluter wishlist bill in exchange for fulfilling their obligation to raise the debt ceiling and avert a financial crisis. The final version of…

FERC Continues Role As Rubber Stamp in Approving Two New LNG Facilities

Washington, DC - Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission again acted as a rubber stamp for the fossil fuel industry in issuing a 3:1 approval of two liquified gas (LNG) export terminals,…

New Biden Plan for “Energy Communities” Invests Billions in Revitalization and Clean Energy Jobs

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Biden administration released additional details surrounding a variety of Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) programs designed to create family-sustaining manufacturing jobs…

House Passes H.R. 1 and Puts Polluters Over People

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressional Republicans passed H.R. 1, the “Polluters Over People Act, which would exacerbate the climate crisis, perpetuate environmental injustices, and jeopardize U.S.…

Sierra Club’s Ben Jealous to Participate in FERC Environmental Justice Roundtable

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is hosting an environmental justice and equity roundtable. In a series of panels, FERC Commissioners will explore ways to…

House Committees Advance Harmful Package of Energy and Permitting Bills

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the House of Representatives held two markups on a package of bills that would exacerbate the climate crisis, perpetuate environmental injustices, and undermine US economic…

Conservation Groups Sue DOE Over Stalled Review of Methane Gas Export Policy

WASHINGTON, DC– Conservation groups sued the Department of Energy (DOE) today for failing to timely respond to their petition for rulemaking calling on the agency to issue regulations…

New Report Explains How Fossil Gas Is Main Driver of Increased Electricity Prices in New England

BOSTON, MA - A new report explains how spikes in the price of fossil gas are the cause of the dramatic rise in electricity rates for New England customers. Fossil-Fueled Rates: How Gas Costs are…

New LNG Export Bill Would Harm Consumers & the Environment to Benefit Big Gas

WASHINGTON, DC-  Republican Senators John Kennedy, Ted Cruz, Shelley Moore Capito, and Kevin Cramer introduced a bill to expedite liquified methane gas (LNG) export approvals to non-free trade…