Larisa Mănescu

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Press Releases

A Dozen Governors Urge Biden Administration to Reduce Pollution from Cars and Trucks By Setting a Federal Target

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, a dozen governors sent a letter urging the Biden administration to reduce pollution from the transportation sector, the nation’s top polluting sector, by setting a goal for…

Sierra Club Launches Digital Ad Campaign Urging Biden Administration to Establish Strong Vehicle Standards

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the Sierra Club launched a digital ad campaign, urging the Biden administration to establish new, bolder vehicle standards — beyond the Obama-Biden standards — and…

Coalition Calls for Biden Administration to Adopt Clean Air Standards that Eliminate Pollution from Freight Trucks

Washington, D.C. – Seventeen business, equity, science, clean energy, faith and environmental groups are publicly calling on the Biden administration to set multi-pollutant climate and clean air…

Toyota Remains Stuck in Reverse on Electric Vehicles, Slowing Down Transition to Clean Transportation

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, a Toyota representative testified before Congress that the automaker was skeptical of battery electric vehicles and touted its commitment to hybrid and plug-in hybrid…

FedEx Announces 100% Commitment to All-Electric Fleet

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, FedEx announced that its delivery fleet will be made up of 100 percent electric vehicles by 2040, which will include benchmarks along the way, such as 50 percent EV purchases…

USPS Must Electrify Mail Truck Fleet

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, under the leadership of Donald Trump’s appointee, the United States Postal Service announced a 10-year, $485-million contract to Oshkosh Defense for new mail trucks, only…

Virginia Legislature Passes HB 1965, Making It the First State in the Southeast to Adopt Clean Car Standards

Richmond, VA - Today, the Virginia State Senate passed HB 1965, which directs the State Air Pollution Control Board to implement a low-emissions and zero-emissions vehicle program for motor vehicles…

Sierra Club Celebrates Rosa Parks’ Birthday And Ongoing Movement for Transit Equity

NATIONAL - Today, in honor of Rosa Parks’ birthday, labor unions, racial justice groups, environmental organizations and transit groups, and disability advocates are joining together to elevate…

Sierra Club Statement on Senate Confirmation of Pete Buttigieg for Department of Transportation Secretary

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the US Senate confirmed Pete Buttigieg to serve as Secretary of the Department of Transportation. In response to the confirmation, Gina Coplon-Newfield, Director of Sierra…

Remaining Automakers Finally Withdraw Support for One Part of Trump’s Clean Cars Rollback

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Toyota, Fiat Chrysler, and other major automakers dropped their support for the Trump administration’s attack on California’s clean car standards, after a year of pressure…