Jonathon Berman

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Press Releases

Wheeler Proposes Giving Oil and Gas Industry a Free Pass for Methane Pollution

Washington, DC -- Today, former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler’s EPA released a proposal to ignore the vast majority of climate pollution from new oil and gas operations by eliminating safeguards that…

Drilling in the Arctic Refuge Further Unravels as BP Sells Entire Alaskan Portfolio

Anchorage, AK -- Today, BP announced that it was selling its entire Alaska portfolio, just ahead of a planned lease sale in the Arctic Refuge. Today’s news comes on the heels of Interior Assistant…

Tom Perez Needs to Stop Looking for Excuses and Hold a Climate Debate

Washington, DC -- Today, it was revealed that DNC Chairman Tom Perez has submitted a resolution to yet again block a climate debate from happening. This comes after the DNC reversed course and agreed…

Trump is Lying and Ridiculing More Than 350,000 Clean Energy Jobs at His Own Peril

Yet again last night, Donald Trump took to again making up absurd claims about wind and solar energy. Even the crowd didn’t seem to know what to make of these lies. While it’s long been clear Donald…

BREAKING: Second Wave of Results in from Morning Consult Climate Voter Tracking Poll for Sierra Club

WASHINGTON, DC - Voters who say that Democratic candidates’ climate plans are “very important” in their choice of who to vote for continue to call Joe Biden their top pick to be the Democratic…

Sierra Club Statement on Bipartisan Senate Letter Regarding EPA's Planned FOIA Changes

Earlier today, Senators Leahy, Feinstein, Grassley, and Cornyn sent Andrew Wheeler and the EPA a letter on their dangerous changes to the FOIA process. Below is a quote from Sierra Club’s Legislative…

Trump’s Speech Full of More Hot Air Than His Policies and Rollbacks

Washington, DC -- Today, Donald Trump gave a speech attempting to change the narrative surrounding his rollbacks and attacks on clean air, clean water, and climate safeguards. While attempting to…

In Stealing From the People Again, Trump Confirms He Never Learned What Independence Day Celebrates

Washington, DC -- As his Administration continues to refuse to disclose the total cost of his campaign-style Independence Day celebration, the Washington Post is reporting that Donald Trump is…

Sierra Club Statement on Jay Inslee’s “Freedom From Fossil Fuels” Plan

Oakland, CA -- Today, with the latest release of an ambitious climate plan from a Democratic candidate, Governor Jay Inslee released a “Freedom from Fossil Fuels” plan that includes an end to fossil…

Trump Administration Launches Attack on Key Environmental Protection

Washington, DC -- Today, the Trump administration’s White House Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) released new draft guidance for federal agencies, gutting requirements for environmental reviews…