Gabby Kientzle

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Press Releases

With Executive Order, Trump Continues His Assault on America’s Public Waters

Washington, DC -- Yesterday, Donald Trump issued an executive order gutting the National Ocean Policy, which was put in place by President Obama after the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010 to…

Hundreds of Thousands of Public Comments Urge Zinke to Protect the Arctic Refuge

Washington, DC -- Today, more than 675,000 public comments were submitted to the Department of the Interior in opposition to Secretary Zinke’s plan to hold a lease sale for drilling in the coastal…

At Public Hearings, Interior Hears Strong Opposition to Arctic Refuge Drilling

Washington, DC -- This afternoon a crowd will rally in Washington, DC to condemn the Trump administration’s shameful plan to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling. In April, Ryan…

Groups Rally to Oppose Oil and Gas Drilling in the Arctic Refuge

WASHINGTON – Indigenous and environmental groups and concerned citizens are gathering here today to protest the Trump Administration’s proposal to conduct oil and gas exploration in the…

Court decision prevents unstudied fracking in Santa Fe National Forest

SANTA FE, NM — In a victory for New Mexico's air, climate, and water, the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico today rejected a 2015 oil and gas lease sale covering 19,788 acres of oil…

Public Health and Environmental Advocates Urge Court to Halt Fracking Next to Bella Romero Academy

Greeley, CO -- Today, environmental and public health advocates filed a motion for a temporary restraining order to halt construction on a dangerous hydraulic fracturing (fracking) project within…

ICYMI: Interior Seeks to Undermine Environmental Reviews for Drilling on Public Lands

Washington, DC -- The Department of the Interior sent a memo yesterday to all Bureau of Land Management (BLM) field offices instructing them to speed up environmental reviews of proposed fossil fuel…

Companies Submit First Application for Oil Exploration in the Arctic Refuge

Washington, DC -- This morning, the Washington Post reported that two corporations, along with an oil services firm, have filed an application with the Department of the Interior to do extensive…

Sierra Club Files Comments Opposing Falcon Ethane Pipeline

Columbus, OH -- Today, the Sierra Club and the FreshWater Accountability Project filed comments with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency on the water quality permit for Shell’s Falcon ethane…

At Annual Meeting, Groups Urge Chevron to Stay Away From the Arctic Refuge

San Ramon, CA -- Today, as Chevron executives and shareholders meet for their annual meeting, the company is under increasing pressure to pledge not to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.…