Protect our High Desert and Owyhee Canyonlands

The High Desert Committee works to protect and conserve the public wildlands in Oregon’s high desert administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), including the spectacular Owyhee Canyonlands in southeast Oregon. Spanning over 2 million acres, the Owyhee is one of the most diverse, wild, and under-protected landscapes in the U.S.

The Oregon Chapter of the Sierra Club is a founding member of the Owyhee Coalition and the Owyhee Canyonlands Campaign. Find out more about that broad-based coalition and take action to protect the Owyhee on their website at

The Problem: Unprotected Desert in Eastern Oregon

  • Many High Desert lands in eastern Oregon, including the Owyhee Canyonlands, are suitable for wilderness protection either in Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs) or are wilderness quality lands not identified for future protection. These lands face threats from grazing, mining, and off-road vehicle abuse and from an overall lack of public advocacy.

The Sierra Club’s Solution: Educate and Protect

  • In addition to actively engaging in the Owyhee Coalition, the Sierra Club’s High Desert Committee is actively educating the public and decision makers on the ecological values in Oregon’s High Desert country, building support for permanent protection for all wilderness quality desert lands in Oregon. We are specifically advocating for wilderness protection for the Owyhee Canyonlands, Badlands, Spring Basin and permanent protection for all existing BLM Wilderness Study Areas in Oregon’s High Desert country. We are actively working to implement an acceptable management plan for the Steens Cooperative Management Area (CMPA) and Steens Mountain Wilderness and engaging in legal action where necessary to protect Oregon’s High Desert and desert wilderness areas.

Support the Sierra Club’s Efforts to Protect Oregon’s High Desert

  • Your support helps the Sierra Club effectively engage in education and outreach to the public and decision makers across Oregon for the protection of Oregon’s High Desert country. We dedicate staff and volunteer time to upholding the Steens Act and organizing events such as Steens Mountain fence pulls, cleaning up barbed wire from the Steens Wilderness. Financial support is needed for our legal fund to protect Steens Mountain from illegal road building and other threats, as well as to more actively engage in advocacy for the Owyhee Canyonlands.