Emerson Levy, candidate for Central Oregon House District 53, often begins her qualifications list with being a mom, followed by renewable energy attorney and school safety advocate. She centers uplifting working families and leads with strong community values.
Headlining Emerson’s legislative priorities is a school safety bill modeled on Alyssa’s Law that she’s already drafted. It would require schools to have a silent panic alarm directly linked to law enforcement, enabling the fastest response time in a school emergency. She has volunteered on the Oregon State Task Force for School Safety and ranks gun safety as another key priority.
More of Emerson’s Priorities: working for thriving, diversified economies that include new energy jobs for a growing local workforce; affordable childcare; quality, life-skills education including community college apprenticeships that enable future success; affordable family and workforce housing; technology innovation for new clean jobs; and expanding transportation infrastructure. Emerson advocates for increasing remote access to primary care and mental health services through telehealth services, particularly in rural Oregon.
Part of creating a thriving economy and quality of life are clean air, clean water, and a healthy natural environment, strongly held values that Emerson embraces. She supports effective environmental justice policies, and natural resource and climate protections. Levy is a pro-choice candidate, in contrast to her opponent, who, also, has been quoted saying, "Climate alarmism is more risky than climate change, in my view."
Emerson pledges to take on the big issues that face our community: housing, education, healthcare, drought, school safety, job creation, climate change, and clean energy solutions. We need Emerson Levy’s fresh, forward-thinking leadership in Salem to accomplish critical progressive goals for Oregon. Learn more about her campaign at EmersonVotes.com.
Read our other candidate profiles here:
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- Christina Stephenson, State Labor Commissioner
- Val Hoyle, Federal Representative, District 4
- Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Federal Representative, District 5
- Andrea Salinas, Federal Representative, District 6
- Mark Gamba, House District 41
- Emerson Levy, House District 53
- Jo Ann Hardesty, Commissioner, City of Portland — Position 3
- Oliver Tatom, Commissioner, Deschutes County — Position 1
- Morgan Schmidt, Commissioner, Deschutes County — Position 3