Photocredit: Earthjustice
In February, Representative Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, released a proposal to restore the Snake River, invest in our regional energy and transportation systems, and invest in our farming communities. The proposal is not perfect and it will need to be improved to best meet the region’s and Oregon’s needs. It requires the leadership of the NW delegation–particularly our senators–to modify it into a bill that can pass Congress.
Removing the four lower Snake River dams is the best single opportunity to restore abundant salmon runs, as well as steelhead and lamprey populations. It is also critical to the survival of the endangered Southern Resident Killer orca, which rely on abundant salmon for prey. Read more about the proposal in the March Sierra magazine.
Restoring the salmon runs of the Snake River is key to respecting the treaties the US government signed with the Northwest tribes, which guarantee access to salmon in perpetuity. So far, eleven Northwest tribal leaders have called on Congress and President Biden to honor the commitments made to the tribes and to save the salmon by removing the lower Snake River dams. Indeed, the restoration of the Snake River is a matter of social justice and human rights. The Sierra Club believes that we must stand in solidarity with the tribes and advocate for a free flowing lower Snake River so that salmon will survive for the benefit of future generations.
Call our Senators Wyden and Merkley and your representative in Congress. Urge them to engage in this conversation and help develop legislation that will restore the Snake River, ensure the long-term survival of our salmon and steelhead, respect the rights of Indigenous peoples, and lay the foundation for a strong economy for the Northwest. Representative Blumenauer is already engaged in this issue and would welcome your appreciation for his work.
Senator Wyden: 202-224-5244
Senator Merkley: 202-224-3753
Switchboard Number for House Members: 202-225-3121
For more information on Rep. Simpson’s proposal, go to his website:
–Irene Vlach (Oregon Chapter Representative, Columbia/Snake River Salmon campaign)