Volunteer Spotlight: Ally Dugan

In August, the Oregon Chapter wrapped up its first ever Organizing School, a summer workshop series featuring real-time webinars on Base Building; Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing; Equity, Justice and Inclusion; Grassroots Power; and Growing for Change. Each Monday evening, nearly 30 people "virtually" gathered to engage in activities that introduced and/or reinforced concepts and skills related to equitable community organizing. 

Sierra Club volunteer Allyson (Ally) Dugan offered her reasons (her WHY) for becoming an environmental activist during the first webinar. We loved it so much, we asked if we could share with our readers and online visitors. Thank you Ally for your passion and dedication, and for sharing your story! 

I was raised in Salt Lake City, Utah - a city surrounded by beautiful mountains that boasts easy access to the great outdoors. But the dirty reality of this stunning city is seen in our air quality record. On clear days, you see stunning views of mountains. On red air alert days, you can’t even see the mountains, can’t even see the blue sky and sun blocked by the thick layer of pollution. I grew up used to having soccer practices canceled on red air days and even worse, used to coughing up dark mucus if practice wasn’t canceled.

Growing up with this concrete contrast of environmental beauty and destruction sparked an early interest in conservation and clean energy. And as I grew up, through involvement with environmental organizations and education, I also realized that the harm of the bad air quality was far worse than cancelled soccer practices and far more destructive to many communities than my own. I began to learn that we needed collective action to clean up our air. It wasn’t just about me riding my bicycle - it was about investing in public transportation, clean energy, and education that is accessible to all communities.

I have now left my hometown of Salt Lake City but have not forgotten these lessons. I moved to Portland after finishing school and knew I wanted to get involved in the environmental space. I found the Sierra Club Clean Energy Task Force, a group that centered its work around environmental justice and challenged me in thinking about inclusive and equitable collective action and organizing. My journey of activism is far from over and I am so happy to have found a strong community for support.

- Ally Dugan