Welcoming our 2018 Summer Interns!

Our Chapter is lucky to be having four motivated Interns in our Portland office this summer. Join us in welcoming them to our team, and if you're in the area, stop by to say hello and see the incredible work they'll be up to.

As a Portland native, Madeline Rosser is excited to be back for the summer to get some hands-on experience working in the field of environmental conservation as the Chapter's Campaign Organizer.
Madeline is a rising senior at The George Washington University, where she studies political science, sustainability, and history. Her passion for politics is what led Madeline to pursue secondary education in the nation's capital. In the past, she has had the honor of interning for Senator Ron Wyden, where she gained experience with constituent communtication and policy research. Her interest in environmental policy, however, has grown out of her experience studying abroad in Barcelona this past semester, where she studied ecology in the Mediterranean environment and sustainable tourism, and her deeply rooted love for all things natural.
In her spare time, Madeline loves spending time with her family and friends in the great outdoors through hiking, backpacking, and skiing. During the school year, you can find her frequenting coffee shops around DC or practicing with the ultimate frisbee team on the National Mall. She is also highly involved in GW's community service sorority, through which she has worked with a variety of incredible volunteer organizations throughout the DC area.
Gender Pronouns: She/her

Erin Lee is a rising Junior at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington, majoring in Environmental Studies and Politics, and will be the communications advisor this summer. Born and raised in the Seattle area, Erin is passionate about environmental issues and hopes to pursue a career in environmental public health. She loves living in Seattle and Walla Walla, but if she could choose to live anywhere, it would be the White House. Ask her about why she's interested in art, animal rights, music, going zero-waste, being outside, student government, or Comic Con, and she will happily answer.
Erin is excited to be working in Portland this summer and can't wait to explore all that the city has to offer. She also looks forward to meeting likeminded people and learning new things at the Oregon Sierra Club!
Gender pronouns: she/her


Hanna Alomair has lived in the Portland area her entire life and is excited to help make a difference in her community. As a Campaign Organizer, she will be focusing on the Portland Clean Energy Fund ballot initiative campaign this summer. She is looking forward to spreading the word on this vital issue and collaborating with other coalition members.
She has just finished her sophomore year at Concordia University. In the fall, she will continue on to Loyola Marymount University to be a political science major on a pre-law track. She is excited to gain experience in changing people's perspectives on environmental issues. Hanna enjoys warm weather, lifting, and hiking.
Gender pronouns: she/her


As the Chapter's Digital Campaigner, Elizabeth Wilson is excited to help spread awareness, recruit volunteers, and make connections with Sierra Club leaders this summer. She will primarily be working on the Portland Clean Energy Fund campaign and the fight against the Jordan Cove fracked gas project.
She is just completing her second year at Smith College (in finals week) in Massachusetts. She studies history, environmental science, and policy, and is eager to continue her education this summer with the Oregon Sierra Club. She believes wholeheartedly that environmental and humanitarian issues are entrenched in each other, and that activism and policy choices should reflect this connection. She would love to spend her life improving how we as a community treat our environment and people, and hopes that this experience will help her to decide what path would be the best for her to achieve this goal. Elizabeth also loves hiking and spending time in forests and eating amazing food.
Gender pronouns: she/her