The Oregon Chapter believes the 2022 election has taken on an existential significance for our nation’s democracy. That’s why electing our worthy endorsed candidates is intensely critical this year, to tackle the most important and insistent priorities facing our future. Our endorsed candidates will help protect Oregon's environment, stand in solidarity and mutuality with frontline communities, support a strong democracy, and advocate for all Oregonians. Let’s all do our part to strengthen and reinforce equitable and smart democratic governance.
Find your districts for Federal Representative, State Senate, and State House here! You can also use Oregon to find who currently represents you. For both sites, simply type in your address, city, state, and zip code. Find your local official ballot drop sites.
Read on for our endorsements for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, Governor, State Labor Commissioner, Statewide ballot measures, Oregon Senate, Oregon House, and select local (city and county) races.
If you are part of the Juniper Group, see which endorsements are in your region on the Juniper Group Endorsements page!
Our Endorsements:
Ron Wyden, Federal Senator
Suzanne Bonamici, Federal Representative, District 1
Earl Blumenauer, Federal Representative, District 3
Val Hoyle, Federal Representative, District 4
Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Federal Representative, District 5
Andrea Salinas, Federal Representative, District 6
Tina Kotek, Governor
Christina Stephenson, State Labor Commissioner
State Ballot Measures
Yes on Measure 111 – Amends the Oregon Constitution to add that the state "ensure[s] that every resident of Oregon has access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care as a fundamental right".
Yes on Measure 112 – Repeals language allowing slavery or involuntary servitude as criminal punishments and authorizes an Oregon court or a probation or parole agency to order alternatives to incarceration for a convicted individual.
Yes on Measure 113 – Excludes state legislators from re-election for unexcused legislative absenteeism.
State Senate
Jeff Golden, Senate District 3
Floyd Prozanski, Senate District 4
James I Manning Jr, Senate District 7
Sara Gelser Blouin, Senate District 8
Deborah Patterson, Senate District 10
Richard Walsh, Senate District 11
Aaron Woods, Senate District 13
Janeen Sollman, Senate District 15
Melissa Busch, Senate District 16
Elizabeth Steiner Hayward, Senate District 17
Wlnsvey E Campos, Senate District 18
Rob Wagner, Senate District 19
Mark Meek, Senate District 20
Kayse Jama, Senate District 24
Raz Mason, Senate District 26
State House of Representatives
Pam Marsh, House District 5
John Lively, House District 7
Paul R Holvey, House District 8
Jerry Rust, House District 9
David Gomberg, House District 10
Michelle Emmons, House District 12
Nancy Nathanson, House District 13
Julie Fahey, House District 14
Benjamin Watts, House District 15
Dan Rayfield, House District 16
Tom Anderson, House District 19
Paul Evans, House District 20
Ramiro Navarro, Jr., House District 21
Anthony Medina, House District 22
Ben Bowman, House District 25
Courtney Neron, House District 26
Ken Helm, House District 27
Dacia Grayber, House District 28
Susan McLain, House District 29
Nathan Sosa, House District 30
Maxine Dexter, House District 33
Lisa Reynolds, House District 34
Farrah Chaichi, House District 35
Hai Pham, House District 36
Jules Walters, House District 37
Janelle S Bynum, House District 39
Annessa Hartman, House District 40
Mark Gamba, House District 41
Rob Nosse, House District 42
Tawna Sanchez, House District 43
Thuy Tran, House District 45
Khanh Pham, House District 46
Andrea Valderrama, House District 47
Hoa Nguyen, House District 48
Zach Hudson, House District 49
Ricki Ruiz, House District 50
Darcy Long, House District 52
Emerson Levy, House District 53
Jason Kropf, House District 54
Brian Lepore, House District 55
Jonathan Chenjeri, House District 56
Local (City, County)
Dawn Lesley, Commissioner, West Lane County — Position One
Joe Berney, Commissioner, Springfield — Position Two
Heather Buch, Commissioner, East Lane County — Position Five
Jennifer Yeh, Councilor, Eugene City — Ward 4
Greg Evans, Councilor, Eugene City — Ward 6
Jo Ann Hardesty, Commissioner, City of Portland — Position 3
Lynn Peterson, Metro Council President
Jessica Vega Pederson, Multnomah County Chair
Oliver Tatom, Commissioner, Deschutes County — Position 1
Morgan Schmidt, Commissioner, Deschutes County — Position 3
Michael Calhoun, Columbia Soil and Water Conservation District, Columbia County - At-Large Position
Ready Your Ballot
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