Welcome to the Sierra Club Cimarron Group!
The largest of Oklahoma’s three regional groups, Cimarron Group is based in Oklahoma City and serves members in the northwest third of Oklahoma, including the OKC metro, Stillwater, Ponca City, Enid, Weatherford and all the way out to Guymon. Cimarron Group encompasses over 1400 members and communicates regularly with several thousand more supporters. We are all one Club—When you join Sierra Club, you will be a member of the National, State and Local entities.

Cimarron Group Monthly Program
On Thursday, Sept. 26, longtime Sierra Clubber Chris Corbett takes us on his recent treks in the Cordillera Huayhuash Range of Peru and the Torres del Paine Range of Patagonian Chile. The two mountain ranges are very different in elevation but are equally spectacular in their beauty, and should be on any serious trekker’s to do list. In addition to showing his beautiful images from the two treks, Chris will talk about what “trekking” is and the physical and mental preparation it takes for those who want to do this kind of hiking. Chris has experience trekking in Europe, Africa, and Central Asia, as well as South America. This is a “don’t miss” program for anyone who wants to vicariously experience the beauty of the Andes.
When: Thursday, September 26, 6:30 PM social time, 7:00 PM Program
Where: Will Rogers Garden Center, 3400 NW 36th St. Oklahoma City
Parking: north and south of the Garden Center building

First Americans Museum
Saturday, September 21st, is our field trip to the new First Americans Museum. We will meet at the East entrance (where the cafe was) at 1:00 pm, guided by Anna Leslie a Choctau Native Docent. Please invite all your families and friends because if we can have 15 or more participants, the entrance fee will only be $8/person. Please email Stephen Melsh to sign up.

Big Bus Day
The Conservation, Climate Change Committee met September 14. The main topic of interest was planning for our Big Bus Day. The idea is that we would all meet together and then board an Embark bus for a destination downtown.
We would then walk over to Myriad Gardens and maybe do the Crystal Bridge. We then plan to have lunch at one of the fine restaurants nearby. After lunch, for those who still have energy, we will hop on the Streetcar and take a tour of downtown OKC. Then we will return by Embark to our original starting point.
The point of Big Bus Day is for participants to get over our fears associated with the unknown, associating with people that may be different from us and doing things outside our comfort zone in a safe urban setting.
Tentatively, we will all meet at my house, 2321 Cashion Pl around mid morning. We have picked three possible dates which we will have to vote on: Saturday, October 5; Thursday, October 3 and Friday, October 4. When you sign up you can pick your favorite date. We may have a preliminary meeting before the chosen day. This first bus run will be limited to the first 16 people who sign up. If successful we may have many more Big Bus Days.
Sign up with Rick Wicker here.

Adventurer's Book Club
Our selection for the month is.... Doug Tallamy!
That may seem funny, but we decided to celebrate "Butterfly season" with books by Tallamy. We liked Bill's recommendation: "Nature's best hope : a new approach to conservation that starts in your yard "
...but, as widely-read as Tallamy is, we realized that some folks may already have read it, so why not have a free-for-all this month, and everybody choose any book by Doug Tallamy to report on? And, another "out of the box idea" came up.... maybe any book about butterflies (and other pollinators)? We decided sure, why not? Go crazy.
As always, our next meeting will be the 2nd Wednesday of the month, so Oct. 9, noon, at Full Circle Books.

Leaders Needed For Cimarron Group Executive Committee
We need YOU! Help make the decisions that determine the activities, priorities and issues of our local Cimarron Group. Monthly meetings are held at the Sierra Club office in the OKC Beautiful building, 3535 Classen Blvd on the first Saturday of each month. If you might be interested, let us know.
October 24: Next General Meeting
“Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Local and Global Impact” by Kiara Pekah
Kiara Pekah and others from the organization “Native Farming Solutions” will explore how traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) impacts our local communities and global initiatives. They’ll introduce Native Farming Solutions and its local work, the history of TEK locally and globally, TEK in policy, and how TEK can be seen today.
December 12: Holiday Potluck Dinner Gathering (Tentative)
Save the date. Details to come.
The Cimarron Group meets every 4th Thursday (except Nov. and Dec.) at 7:00 PM (6:30 PM social time), at the Will Rogers Garden Center Bldg., 3400 NW 36th St, OKC. To join our Group go here and click on Join.
Learn More!
Facebook: Oklahoma Cimarron Sierra Club
Chapter website
Chapter contacts: Chapter Chair: Cheybranscum@gmail.com
Chapter Exec. Director: Kj.mckee@sierraclub.org, 405-605-7767
Group Chair: samelsh@yahoo.com
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