Portage Trail Group Pollinator Gardens
September 23, 2022
POLLINATOR GARDENS From the Portage Trail Group
September 2022
“Pollinators [bees, wasps, butterflies and other insects] are essential to life as we know it on Planet Earth . . . If pollinators were to disappear, 87 to 90 percent of the...
Cheshire Screening Thoughts and Reflections
September 13, 2022
On August 4th, the Ohio Beyond Coal Campaign hosted a virtual screening of Cheshire, Ohio. This documentary film is about a town devastated by pollution from the Gavin Power Plant (owned by AEP), which at the time of the film was Ohio’s largest coal...
Young Environmental Leaders August Meeting Recap
August 29, 2022
Sierra Club Ohio held the first Young Environmental Leaders (YEL) statewide event on August 18th. This is our first of many events that will create a space to connect, empower, and develop young environmental leaders throughout Ohio.
Young Environmental Leaders Group
August 8, 2022
Would you like to get involved in the environmental movement and identify as a youth or young professional? Join our community of Young Environmental Leaders focused on empowering a younger generation into the Sierra Club Ohio community!
Do-It-Yourself Cleaning Recipes
July 25, 2022
Making Do-It-Yourself home cleaning products are a fun and easy way to reduce waste, cost, and lessen your exposure to harsh chemicals. The following DIY recipes have been made and used by Sierra Club volunteers and staff, we want to share a few of...
Portage Trails Group Summer updates
June 22, 2022
The Portage Trail Group Sierra Club stretches through 12 counties of Ohio from Medina and Ashland Counties east to the city of Youngstown and the Pennsylvania line.
How Do I Recycle Used Tennis Balls?
May 13, 2022
Some tips on other uses and how to make balls last longer.