Still time to share thoughts on Duke Energy IRP

The NC Utilities Commission has rescheduled the Duke IRP hearing, breaking it into six hearings at 6:00 p.m. on April 14 and 19, and May 5, 12, 17, and 26, 2021.

211 people originally signed up to speak, and these individuals will be informed individually of the new dates. Each speaker will have 5 minutes and will be assigned to one of these specific dates. They won't be able to reschedule for a different date. No new speakers can sign up

The hearings will be streamed on YouTube with a link available on the NC Utilities Commission website on the day of each hearing.

NC Sierra Club and its local groups should be well represented, as I know a number of our volunteers are already signed up and are among the 211. If you need help with talking points, please reach out to  Also, you can submit written comments while the IRP docket remains open - until at least April 30. The docket will not close until all of the hearings are completed and all of the expert testimony and rebuttal testimony are filed. You don't need to be an expert to comment! Just share your support for more renewable energy, retirement of dirty fuel sources, and other climate-sensitive issues. Read more about the IRP here and email your comments to the NCUC here. Be sure to include the docket number ( Docket No. E-100 Sub 165) in your subject line.