E-bikes Prohibited on Non-Motorized Trails

E-bikes in the basin are on the increase. Although this alternate mode of transportation is highly encouraged on roads to reduce our use of fossil fuels, their use on non-motorized trails is not and, in fact, is prohibited in the Basin. Unfortunately, there is little to no enforcement and no signage to ensure that these motorized vehicles are not used on the many single-track non-motorized trails in the Basin.

These trails are frequently used by families with small children that end up in harm's way of speeding motorized bikes. There are numerous issues with e-bikes in the Tahoe Basin, not the least of which are bicyclist-hiker conflicts that affect the user experience of both parties. Other issues were provided in our scoping comments to the LTMBU on their Trails Analysis Project, which will be coming back for public review of the Environmental Assessment for the Project soon. 

Stay tuned to LTBMU's website for their release of the Basin Wide Trails Analysis Project draft environmental document.