About Us

Southeast Michigan Group (SEMG)

Our group serves Metro Detroit and includes the counties of Wayne, St. Clair, Macomb, and Oakland. Powered by dedicated volunteers, we host educational programs, outings, conservation initiatives, and community meetings focused on pressing environmental issues that impact well-being and family health. Sierra Club activities are open to all—you don’t need to be a member! Whether you’re passionate about the environment or curious to explore nature, we invite you to participate in our activities and attend our meetings. Contact a volunteer leader to learn more and join the fun!

Group Leadership Directory 

Group Co-Chairs
Garrett Dempsey garrettdempsey@comcast.net
Gerald Hasspacher jhasspac@gmail.com

Secretary, Please notify a co-chairs if you are interested in this position

Treasurer, Tracy Purrenhage tapurrenhage@aol.com

Political Chair, Jane O'Neil janeaoneil@gmail.com

Outings Chair, Ken Jacobsen sierra.club.semg@gmail.com

Webmaster needed, please notify a co-chair if you are interested in this position

SEMG Representative to State Chapter
Gerald Hasspacher jhasspac@gmail.com

Group Reps & Conservation Co-Chair
Ed McArdle edmcardle@gmail.com
Andrew Pola polaa@gpschools.org 

Green Schools & Green Cruise
Gerald Hasspacher jhasspac@gmail.com

Inspiring Connections Outdoors Chair
Garrett Dempsey garrettdempsey@comcast.net