HVG Executive Committee Election 2019

The Sierra Club is the largest democratically run environmental organization in the world, with direct election of leaders at the national Board, state Chapter and local Group level each year.   Participation by members in the voting process is crucial for maintaining this structure. The Executive Committee (ExCom) for the Huron Valley Group is responsible for the administration and operation of the group, and does so entirely with volunteers.  This fall, HVG members will be electing three ExCom members for two-year terms beginning in January 2020.  The Nominations Committee has nominated three candidates for the three ExCom positions.

The Elections Committee is responsible for collecting candidate statements and for the production, mailing, receipt, and counting of ballots.  All Sierra Club members within HVG territory (Washtenaw, Monroe, and Lenawee Counties) at the time the mailing list for the Fall newsletter is generated are eligible to vote.  The ballot can be submitted no later than the December 17 HVG General Meeting at Matthaei Botanical Gardens. Please review the candidate statements below and submit your ballot. Voting reinforces your involvement with the Sierra Club Huron Valley Group.


The Candidates
Image of Erica Ackerman Image of Ann Brown Image of Jaime Magiera
Erica Ackerman Anne Brown Jaime Magiera
Climate change, the greatest threat of our time, drives my environmental activism and led me to run for the Executive Committee of the Huron Valley Group last year. Since election, I have served as group representative to the state Executive Committee, as well as chair of the HVG’s Political Committee. In addition, I helped organize support for climate change funding by Ann Arbor City Council and organized a watch party for the CNN Climate Crisis Town Hall. Previously, I helped found an Ann Arbor 350.org group, which I chaired for one year. As climate lead in Organizing for Action, Washtenaw County, I organized multiple educational outreach programs reaching hundreds of participants. The Sierra Club plays a vital role in the climate struggle and other environmental issues. It is my goal to further that work in any way I can. Anne Brown has been an active member of the Sierra Club through Citizen Lobby Day, Political Training, Political Committee and the Living Economy Leadership Committee for the National Sierra Club. In 2018, Anne co-hosted MI People’s Trade Summit in Washtenaw County that brought local, state and national community and elected leaders together. This gathering discussed the impact of NAFTA 2.0 on Michigan workers and families. Most recently the group worked with Congresswoman Katie Hill on a climate letter related to both environmental and labor practices in the United States Canada Mexico Agreement - USCMA. Anne will use her experience and networks in local, state and federal government to help shape the future of our chapter. As the oldest environmental group, Anne believes Sierra needs to leverage its experience, knowledge and know how in recruiting the next generation of environmental stewards, particularly in underserved and underrepresented communities. Since being elected to the Executive Committee in Winter 2018, I’ve worked to expand the reach of the Huron Valley Group – particularly amongst youth and traditionally marginalized members of our community. That work includes completely redesigning the group’s newsletter, expanding the website, expanding our social media presence, and incorporating video and audio into our materials. It has also included building partnerships with other local organizations with shared goals, such as collaborating with the Washtenaw Bicycling & Walking Coalition to decrease carbon emissions. My areas of focus include water protection, renewable energy, sustainable food systems, and environmental justice. I’m asking for your vote for re-election so that I can continue expanding the group’s reach and its effectiveness in building a more sustainable future.



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