Tell the Board of Public Works: NO to I-495 & I-270 expansion!

The Board of Public Works (BPW) is expected to vote yet again on December 18 to green-light fast tracking the expansion of the I-495 and I-270.

One of our best chances of stopping or delaying the project is encouraging the Board of Public Works to reject the classification of the project as P3.

State Comptroller Peter Franchot is the crucial swing vote on the 3-member Board of Public Works.

Don't wait! Send him an email now @ or call him at (410)260-7801 or send a post card to:

Honorable Peter Franchot 
Comptroller of Maryland 
80 Calvert Street, P.O. Box 466 
Annapolis, MD 21404-0466

Tell the Comptroller that this proposal and process is deeply flawed and will bring harm to our air, water, climate and communities.

We need Clean Transportation for all and forward thinking 21st century transportation solutions. See proposal on Page 60.

The important thing is to flood the Comptroller's inbox and jam up his phone lines so that he knows that there is massive opposition to moving this project along. Please spread the word!