Howard County Group

Think of the Planet

Howard County Sierra Club will be sponsoring three environmental education presentations on environmental topics in person and online.

See the January 28, 2025 presentation slides (PDF).

The next presentation will be February 25th at 7 PM at Miller Library.

2025 Environmental Legislation in Annapolis

Join us to learn about the environmental legislation that will be introduced in the Maryland General Assembly 2025 Session. What are the costs and benefits of each of these bills? How can Howard County residents get involved in passing legislation in Annapolis? What environmental legislation is currently being considered by legislators in this session of the General Assembly? What are the costs and benefits of these bills, and what can residents do to help get them passed?

Carolyn Parsa, Howard County Sierra Club Chair
Crystal Konny, Howard County Sierra Club Zero Waste Chair
and several of the sponsoring State Legislators

SIERRA CLUB MISSION STATEMENT: To explore, enjoy and protect the planet. To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out those objectives.

Ways you can help:

Join Sierra Club! - Using our link helps bring a portion of your membership directly to the HoCo Sierra Club

Join our HoCo Zero Waste Team! We meet monthly to advocate for various zero waste initiatives in the county. See calendar below for our next meeting and register to join us. For more information email

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram! (The links on the right side of the page are for the Maryland chapter Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You should follow them too, as well as our neighboring county Sierra Clubs!)

Contact us at to ask questions, submit pictures to be featured on our social media, or to ask about volunteer opportunities!

Reach out to your HoCo executive council chairs directly if you already know who you're looking for.

Howard County Council - Contact your delegation members! Link will take you to the Howard County government website.

Find out more about Sierra Club straight from the source.

Check out our Natural Places events and resources.

Become an outings leader and explore the area around you with fellow Sierra Club members!

Other Resources

Live Green Howard - A great compilation of "green" resources in Howard County, MD all in one place!

Past Issues and Events in Howard County

You can find an index of our webpages here.

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