Natural Places Committee Starts Newsletter

NP Cascade Falls

Please check out the inaugural issue of Natural Places News! This newsletter is a publication of the Maryland Sierra Club Natural Places Committee. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide information and access to recent articles, publications, outings, and website resources that promote our mission. Our mission is to explore, enjoy, and protect natural areas in Maryland, and support the Natural Places Committee.

We value native biological diversity of all plants, animals, and fungi, including native flowers, ferns, mushrooms, birds, mussels, butterflies, frogs, and racoons. We value the diverse native habitats, including forests, meadows, wetlands. rivers, mountains, and coastal areas. Our NEXT MEETING will be Saturday, February 15, 2020, immediately after the Merkel outing, at the College Park office of the Maryland Sierra Club, 7338 Baltimore Ave., Suite 102, 2:30pm -4:30pm. Hope you can join us! RSVP here for the outing and here for the meeting

The theme of this issue is Ecopsychology- No one left inside.  Did you know that immersion in nature benefits your health?  How long does it take to get a dose of nature high enough to make people say they feel healthy and have a strong sense of well-being? Precisely 120 minutes per week. According to Jim Robbins in Yale 360 magazine, “a growing body of research points to the beneficial effects that exposure to the natural world has on health, reducing stress and promoting healing. Now, policymakers, employers, and healthcare providers are increasingly considering the human need for nature in how they plan and operate” (January 9, 2020). 

To read more about upcoming outings, where to go for local native plant information and other resources on natural places , inaugural issue of Natural Places News.

orchid at Watkins Park