Sierra Club Response to Board of Public Works Vote to Approve the Highway Expansion Project as a Public-Private Partnership

June 5th, 2019

Contact: Josh Tulkin

Sierra Club Response to Board of Public Works Vote to Approve the Highway Expansion Project as a Public-Private Partnership

Annapolis, MD - Today, the Maryland Board of Public Works voted 2-1 to greenlight moving forward on expansion of I-495 and I-270. Governor Larry Hogan and Comptroller Peter Franchot cast their votes in favor of designating the I-495 and I-270 expansion plan as a public-private partnership. Treasurer Nancy Kopp was the sole vote in opposition.

A number of last minute amendments were added in just before the final vote that we are still sorting through before commenting.

Josh Tulkin, Director of the Maryland Sierra Club released the following statement:

“We are greatly disappointed that Comptroller Franchot and Governor Hogan voted to green light the current I-495 and I-270 expansion plan as what would be the largest public-private partnership in the world.

The process has been fundamentally flawed. The proposal is fundamentally flawed. And the benefits MDOT has boasted are completely unsubstantiated.

It is irresponsible to advance a project of this magnitude before studying the environmental and climate impacts. By locking in this $11 billion project as a public-private partnership, the Board has made it twice as hard to change course in the future when the studies are complete.

Addressing climate change must be a fundamental consideration of all of our transportation decisions. For this proposal, climate change is barely an afterthought. We are dedicated to fighting this project, and any others, that do not advance Maryland’s greenhouse gas reduction goals.

In the past year we have seen thousands of people become active, concerned for how highway expansion will impact their communities and the climate. While we did not win the vote today, it is clear that Governor Hogan and Peter Franchot recognized the powerful movement growing in opposition, and we will only continue to grow as more details of this plan emerge."



About the Maryland Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is now the nation's largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization -- with three million members and supporters.  

The Maryland Sierra Club has over 71,000 members and supporters and activates thousands of volunteers every year to enjoy, explore and protect the planet through outdoor activities, education, and advocacy.