Get Maryland Moving Calls For a Bold, Aggressive Vision for Transit in Greater Baltimore

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Lindsey Mendelson, Maryland Sierra Club Transportation Representative,, 240-706-7901


Get Maryland Moving Calls For a Bold, Aggressive Vision for Transit in Greater Baltimore   

Baltimore MD, -- Today, the Get Maryland Moving coalition gathered at the first Central Maryland Transit Plan Commission meeting to urge state and regional leaders to deliver a bold and actionable vision for the outcomes they want realized in the 25-year transit plan for the region. This plan’s creation was directed by a bill passed in the General Assembly just under a year ago in the Greater Baltimore Region, where approximately 9 out of 10 residents cannot access living wage jobs in under an hour commute.

"We know Central Maryland is desperately in need of better connected and more reliable transit, and we need a plan to make that happen. Because no single comprehensive plan had been created for the region in decades, I worked hard with my colleagues last year to pass a bill requiring a new Regional Transit Plan for Central Maryland. We need an ambitious and thoughtful plan to meet the needs of Marylanders," said Baltimore City Delegate Brooke Lierman, who advocated for the provision creating the plan in a bill that secured dedicated funding for the Washington area metro system.

Get Maryland Moving, a coalition of civic and business leaders, advocacy organizations, labor unions, and riders, called on the Commission, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), and the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) to conduct a process and produce a plan that:

  • Deploys world-class engagement practices that gain input, build consensus, and receive support from all regional stakeholders, including low-income and minority populations

  • Defines clear goals and corresponding metrics that the planned system must achieve, including in the areas of economic growth, social equity, and environmental health

  • Meets the region’s needs, not existing fiscal constraints, and recommends funding and governance changes to close funding gaps

  • Identifies priority corridors and activity centers with corresponding service and operational improvements

  • Includes an action strategy with near-term and longer-term transit investments, including a bus rapid transit strategy that can be implemented in the near-term

  • Receives endorsement by local governments and is programmed into the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board’s and the Maryland Department of Transportation’s long-range transportation plans and transportation improvement program. 

“Transportation is now the #1 source of greenhouse gas emissions in the US. We are proud to join the Get Maryland Moving coalition to fight for a strong Regional Transit Plan. The Baltimore region deserves a 21st century transit system that can help grow our economy, protect our health and reduce our climate impact. It’s long overdue,” said Josh Tulkin, Maryland Sierra Club Director. 

“A bold plan for transit will help greater Baltimore compete for state, federal, and private sector investment. One that sets targets for measurable outcomes will help us grow the economy, give people choices, and keep people and the environment healthy. We can’t afford anything less.” – Brian O’Malley, President & CEO, Central Maryland Transportation Alliance. 

“The ATU Local 1300 represents the operators and maintenance workers who move Marylanders on over 300,000 transit trips per day. We will fight for a strong plan that sets a course for safe, reliable transit and union jobs for decades to come,” said David McClure, President & Business Agent, ATU Local 1300 Baltimore. 


Get Maryland Moving is a diverse coalition of transportation, environmental, education, labor, community development, and business organizations and transit riders. In 2017, the Get Maryland Moving coalition won a campaign to repeal the farebox recovery mandate, that required the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) to recover 35% of its operating costs through fares and repeatedly hindered bus and light rail service improvements in greater Baltimore.



Get Maryland Moving advocates, educates, and informs to create a stronger transportation system with robust transit that connects Marylanders effectively, efficiently, safely, and equitably to schools, jobs, health care, and other opportunities. We call on local, state, and federal leaders to work together to transform Maryland's transit systems.