Statement: Maryland Board of Public Works to Decide Over Potomac Pipeline


December 18, 2018

Deirdre Lally 240-287-9771
Josh Tulkin 240-764-5307
Brooke Harper 301-992-6875

Maryland Board of Public Works to Decide Over Potomac Pipeline

Environmental Groups urge MD BPW: No Pipeline Easement Through Our Waterways

ANNAPOLIS: On Wednesday, December 19th, the Maryland Board of Public Works will hold an agenda item at their regularly scheduled meeting to determine whether they will grant an Easement to install a natural gas transmission pipeline under the Western Maryland Rail/Trail near Hancock, MD.

A coalition of environmental organizations and concerned residents from Maryland and West Virginia have requested the BPW to not grant the Columbia Gas requested 50 foot easement along the Western MD Rail Trail as part of the Pipeline. The Karst geology under the proposed right-of-way presents too great a threat to be drilled and constructed through, due to the potential negative impacts pipeline construction could have on our region’s drinking water resources.

The organizations will also highlight the shortcomings in Maryland’s process that led to the current situation with the Potomac Pipeline, and their support for legislation that would reform this process for future pipeline applications.


The meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. in the Governor’s Reception Room, 2nd floor, State House, Annapolis.


Senator Bobby Zirkin, Delegate David Fraser-Hidalgo, and representatives from Sierra Club and Chesapeake Climate Action Network issued the following statements:

"Maryland banned fracking in 2017 because of the threat it posed to public health and our environment,” said Senator Bobby Zirkin “Fracked gas infrastructure like the proposed Potomac Pipeline pose the same threat to the Potomac River, which supplies drinking water for our region. The Board of Public Works should keep Maryland frack free and reject the easement for this dangerous fracked gas pipeline." That is why I will be introducing legislation to improve the environmental review and oversight of new pipelines proposed in Maryland."


“With several new pipelines currently under consideration, this is the time for Maryland to improve its process for evaluating the environmental risks of fracked gas infrastructure," said Delegate David Fraser-Hidalgo "This year I will be introducing legislation to improve the environmental review and oversight of new pipelines proposed in Maryland. Given the environmental concerns, I question why we are continuing to build and invest in climate polluting fossil fuel infrastructure when that time and energy should be spent on renewables."


“We are attending the Maryland Board of Public Works meeting to ask for their denial for an easement for the Potomac Pipeline,” said Deirdre Lally, Beyond Gas Organizer, Maryland Sierra Club “The Pipeline has already been issued state permits in West Virginia and from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, but has not yet received one of their final permits in Maryland. The Sierra Club and partner organizations plan to continue in public participation opportunities at every step of the way to insist our state agency continues to uphold the integrity of 2017’s fracking ban by not allowing dangerous fracked gas infrastructure to be built.”


“Maryland has a responsibility to properly evaluate the environmental and economic impacts of large infrastructure projects to ensure they are truly in the interest of the state and its residents,” said Josh Tulkin, Director, Maryland Sierra Club “In the case of the Potomac Pipeline, Maryland agencies fell short, and it is now up to the Board of Public Works to be the responsible backstop. We urge the Board to reject this easement, and call on the General Assembly to improve how Maryland responds to pipeline applications in the future.


“We hope that today, the Board of Public Works will deny the right of way permit needed for the Potomac Pipeline,” said Brooke Harper, MD Policy Director, Chesapeake Climate Action Network “Communities who rely on the Potomac for their drinking water from Hancock to D.C. are calling on Governor Hogan to once again oppose the Potomac pipeline and keep our state frack-free.”
