Sierra Club Endorses Ben Jealous for Maryland Governor


Media Contact: David Smedick, 443-789-4536,

Sierra Club Endorses Ben Jealous for Maryland Governor

Sierra Club celebrates Jealous’ strong environmental vision

Baltimore County, MD - The Sierra Club endorsed Democratic Party candidate Ben Jealous for Maryland Governor today, August 31st, in Kingsville, MD. The Sierra Club announced their endorsement during a press conference at a solar farm alongside the Maryland League of Conservation Voters.  

As Maryland Governor, Jealous has pledged to:

  • Set a deadline for 100% clean and renewable energy and provide 21st-century jobs for the Maryland economy.

  • Return Maryland’s focus to smart growth so that we develop our state without encroaching on environmentally important areas.

  • Make sure that no community is disproportionately impacted by pollution and integrate environmental justice policies.

In contrast, Governor Hogan has not been the environmental champion he promised to be. While some moderate progress has been made, the last four years have been marked by delays and half measures.

  • In 2016 Governor Hogan vetoed HB1106/SB921 - The Maryland Clean Energy Jobs Act. The Act was passed to grow wind and solar energy and clean energy jobs via an increase to the state’s Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard.

  • In 2015, Governor Hogan blocked, and eventually gutted, previously-finalized air quality improvement regulations for the state. The Governor’s replacement instead allows some of Maryland’s coal plants to avoid installation of modern smokestack controls for smog-forming nitrogen oxide pollution. This summer, twelve Maryland Counties, covering over 88 percent of Maryland’s population, were designated by the US Environmental Protection Agency in nonattainment with the health-based 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards. (1)

  • In 2015 Governor Hogan scrapped the Red Line public transportation project for Baltimore. Pollution from the transportation sector is the largest source of climate-disrupting carbon dioxide emissions in Maryland. (2) The Red Line was prepared to reduce the number of gasoline-powered car trips taken in the region, and increase access to jobs and economic opportunity for Baltimore-area residents.

  • In 2018 Governor Hogan granted the fracked-gas Potomac Pipeline a state wetlands and waterways permit without utilizing Maryland’s full review authority granted to it under the federal Clean Water Act. Despite requests from the Sierra Club, non-profit organizations, the general public, and local governments, Governor Hogan waived Maryland’s right to conduct a full review of the project under section 401 of the Clean Water Act.

In the coming weeks the Sierra Club will be working to release a more expansive review of critical environmental decisions made in the previous four years.

Campaign & Policy Director of the Sierra Club Maryland Chapter, David Smedick, said:

“On behalf of our 70,000 members and supporters here in Maryland, we are are thrilled to endorse environmental champion Ben Jealous in Maryland’s 2018 gubernatorial election. Our state continues to face smoggy summers, litter and debris flowing into the Chesapeake Bay, and the threat of dangerous climate disruption. Maryland needs a Governor who will put forward bold, innovative solutions to protect our beautiful natural resources and firmly establish us as a leader in the clean energy economy. Ben Jealous is the person for the job.” 

In response to the endorsement, Ben Jealous said:

"I'm excited to receive the endorsement of the Maryland Chapter of the Sierra Club,” said Ben Jealous. “I have supported and applauded their work defending offshore wind energy and pushing to get Maryland to 100% clean energy. As a businessman, I know that making investments in clean and renewable energy is the best step we can take to grow our economy and improve public health outcomes."

For more information on Ben Jealous’ progressive environmental vision for Maryland, visit:


Sierra Club’s endorsement process is a rigorous one whereby candidates must fill out a detailed questionnaire and be interviewed. The decision to endorse must be approved by a 2/3 vote of 2 levels of Club leadership.






The Sierra Club is now the nation's largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization -- with three million members and supporters.  

The Maryland Sierra Club has over 71,000 members and supporters and activates thousands of volunteers every year to enjoy, explore and protect the planet through outdoor activities, education, and advocacy.