Katie Fry Hester - New Leadership for Maryland District 9

The severe storms and flooding of Ellicott City are a reminder of real life impact our actions can have. Protecting our environment can't just be a talking point, there are real consequences to inaction.

That is why we need more strong environmental leaders in Maryland. Leaders like Katie Fry Hester, who is running for Senate in Maryland's 9th  District in Howard County.  

Katie, a mediator and sustainability consultant, has a tough fight ahead.  She is challenging 16 year incumbent Gail Bates.  We will tell you more about Gail Bates below, but we want to start by talking about why we support Katie Hester, and why we hope you will help.

But we don't need to compare Katie to Gail Bates, she stands out on her own for her vision and leadership. 

Katie will be a champion for clean air, clean water, and better land use.

Katie has shared her vision for Maryland's environment and her values on her website.  

“We all want clean air, clean water, safe food. We want efficient and clean energy. We want smart and sustainable development. We CAN protect the environment and ensure economic growth at the same time.”

We support Katie’s goal of embracing smart growth policies to ensure our infrastructure is ready for the future.  In Katie's words

"Let’s make sure small farms can stay in business, curb suburban sprawl, and turn away from cars and towards mass transit. The 2016 & 2018 floods in Ellicott City are examples of how poor planning and over development can lead to dangerous conditions for people and businesses. We believe our communities must become more prepared and resilient to uncertain and changing future."

Katie is running a serious campaign

Katie Hester isn't messing around.  She is taking on a 20 year incumbent, and she knows it's tough.  On June 26, she received more votes in the primary election than both of her opponents combined.  She is a real contender, and she is putting everything into this race, spending every night making calls and meeting people, every weekend knocking on doors. In November she will need your votes. 

Gail Bates Is Holding Back Environmental Progress in Maryland

Bates environmental voting record is abysmal.  The League of Conservation Voters gave her a lifetime score of 13%, the lowest in the entire Maryland Senate.  

In the issues section of Gail Bates' website does not include a section on the environment.  Or the Chesapeake Bay.  It does not mention the words "clear air" or "clean water" or "chesapeake bay" or "climate change".  Not once.  

What does that mean? It means that Gail Bates voted against the ban on fracking.  And legislation to increase Maryland’s renewable energy target. Gail Bates serves on the Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee, where many important environmental bills are assigned.   Here are just a few things Gail Bates has voted against in the last 4 years.   

  • 2014: voted against pesticide bill

  • 2015: voted against MD Commission on Climate Change

  • 2008: Voted against RGGI funding, Chesapeake Bay Trust Fund, & RPS

  • 2009: Voted against smart growth legislation (HB 295)

One explanation for why Bates' votes this way is to look at how she raises her money.   Since 2015, Gail Bates has received $79,692.52 in donations.  Of that, only $26,610.97 (33.39%) game from individuals.   $47,961.55 (60.18%) came from Businesses/Groups/Organizations.   $5,120.00 (6.42%) from other PACS.

How you can help?

This pro-environment vote in the Maryland State Senate is so critical that a group of donors have stepped up and will double contributions received by the August 21st deadline - up to $6,000. If you agree that we need Katie's vote, then we need you to chip in right now and have your donation doubled


Click here to sign up to volunteer with the Katie Hester campaign