Sierra Club Attends 6/6 Transportation & Climate Listening Session in Delaware

Transportation is the largest source of climate-disrupting pollution in the country and a major contributor to poor air quality that exacerbates asthma and harms our health. Maryland must take aggressive steps to cut the pollution from tailpipes and motor fuels to push back on climate disruption. Fortunately, Maryland is taking steps by collaborating with the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI), a regional partnership to harness a market-based pollution reduction system in our region and drive new investment into clean forms of transportation.  

Yesterday, Wednesday 6/6, Sierra Club members and volunteers joined with people across the Mid-Atlantic region in participating in a “listening session” event in Wilmington, DE to discuss how we can transform our transportation system. At the event we broke off into small discussion groups and expressed the goals and policies necessary to make sure we can achieve the most climate-friendly, safe and equitable ways from getting from Point A to Point B. The discussion groups shared a common wish-list of investments in electric vehicles and buses, mass transit, pedestrian-and bike-friendly communities.

We will need your support to make sure that Maryland hears these goals loud and clear and makes a firm commitment to fighting for the clean transportation future we need.

Sierra Club Volunteers at TCI Listening Session

Join us at our next event to call on Maryland to make this commitment!

WHAT: Maryland Climate Change Commission (MCCC) Transportation Meeting

WHEN:  Wednesday June 27th, 10:00 AM  

WHERE: Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Blvd, First Floor Conference Room
Baltimore, MD 21230

DETAILS: The Maryland Climate Change Commission (MCCC) Mitigation Working Group provides critical input to shape Maryland’s environmental policies and is holding a meeting on June 27th. We need you to help us ensure that Maryland’s major plan to reduce carbon pollution 40% by 2030 includes a firm commitment to the Transportation Climate Initiative.

Right now there is a big gap in the investments we need for clean, equitable transportation solutions. At the meeting you will have an opportunity to make a public comment to the Commission and tell them to invest in community solutions to clean transportation and clean energy. Be sure to join us on June 27th! You can RSVP here!