MD Sierra Club 2018 Environmental Priorities

In a few short weeks, Maryland legislators will convene in Annapolis to begin the 2018 session of the General Assembly.  The Maryland Sierra Club, both volunteers and staff, will be there on opening day, January 10, and day-in and day-out thereafter working to advance essential environmental safeguards.  Our top priorities for 2018 include:

  • Protecting Maryland's forests by strengthening the state's Forest Conservation Act  -- our forests play a key role in promoting clean air and water, combating climate change, and restoring the Chesapeake Bay and local watersheds;
  • Banning the use of foam food containers and loose-fill packaging , building on successful local bans in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties -- these products litter our landscapes and waterways, and are eaten by fish, birds, and other wildlife;
  • Reforming how the Public Service Commission reviews proposals for new gas infrastructure -- this will promote greater public input and fuller analyses of community health impacts;
  • Securing dedicated funding for metropolitan DC's Metro system -- hundreds of thousands of Marylanders rely on Metro, significantly reducing the number of polluting vehicles on our roads, and now our region needs to step up to provide Metro with the funding needed for important updates and improvements.  

The strength of the Sierra Club and the environmental movement is our volunteers.  In order to enact these priorities and other good environmental bills in 2018, and turn back any efforts to undo progress already made, we need your help!  

2017 was a monumental year for environmental victories in Maryland.  We banned fracking, strengthened renewable energy and energy efficiency programs, curbed overuse of antibiotics in farm animals, and passed other important environmental bills. It's clear that Maryland legislators listen when hundreds and even thousands of Sierra Club members and supporters make their voices heard and demand action!

The Sierra Club needs people like YOU to help us achieve success in Annapolis and protect the environment!  There are many opportunities to get involved.  The only requirements are a desire to contribute, enthusiasm, and some time.

Look for more from me soon!

Mark Posner
Legislative Chair