The Maryland Sierra Club Announces Support for Important Clean Energy Legislation


The crisis of our warming and changing climate, with its severe and worsening damage to the environment, public health, and the economy, demands forceful, dramatic action by Maryland.  The Maryland Sierra Club is committed to moving our state to 100% clean renewable energy, as well as decarbonizing transportation and supporting communities and residents as they seek to adapt to significant climate disruption.

It is in this context that the Maryland Sierra Club announces its support for important clean energy legislation to be introduced in 2018 in the Maryland General Assembly.  This bill (sponsored by Delegate Shane Robinson) would require that 100% of Maryland’s electricity be purchased from clean renewable sources by 2035.

More specifically, this legislation would:


  • Provide Marylanders with increasing amounts of carbon-free electricity (principally from solar and wind) every year, reaching 100% by 2035.

  • Make the air cleaner and healthier for all Marylanders.

  • Ensure that a large share of this clean energy will be generated in Maryland, producing new jobs and economic development.

  • Create new incentives for generating clean energy in Maryland, focusing our state’s support on non-polluting resources like wind and solar.

  • Address energy-cost inequities by capping energy expenses of low-income households at an affordable level.


We look forward to working with other organizations and with individual Marylanders to place our state squarely on the path to achieving 100% clean energy.