We Just Banned Fracking... So What's Next?


Banning fracking is just one step on Maryland's path to a clean energy future.

Our victory to ban fracking in Maryland is an important step forward on Maryland's path to a clean energy future. But much more needs to be done.

With last week's news that President Trump is moving to roll back the federal climate goals and his proposal to zero out funding for the Chesapeake Bay, it is clear that state action in Maryland will be critical to protect our air, water and climate.

The Maryland Sierra Club played an instrumental part in securing this victory on fracking.  But the stakes just got higher, and we need your help to step up our game. We have the volunteer network, organizing chops, substantive expertise, and practical experience to help lead Maryland in the ongoing struggle to protect Maryland's environment and the Earth's climate.

donate now




Please invest today in the Maryland Sierra Club.

This coming year we will:

  • Continue our success in transitioning Maryland away from coal by retiring the state's remaining coal-fired power plants; 
  • Grow substantial amounts of solar and wind energy here in Maryland, through such initiatives as community solar and offshore wind;
  • Support communities fighting pipelines, export terminals, and other parts of the gas industry working their way into Maryland;
  • Launch a new "sustainable transportation" campaign to support rapid deployment of public transit and electric vehicles in Maryland, and walkable / bikeable communities. Soon the transportation sector will be the largest source of greenhouse gases in the state;
  • Grow a healthy, sustainable, clean-energy economy throughout the state.

Donate today to help fund these important initiatives.

Thanks to your support we were able last year to hire a new Western Maryland organizer, Jessica Wise, who worked nonstop to support the anti-fracking movement there. And when the General Assembly convened for its 2017 session in Annapolis, our lobbying staff was there day-in and day-out, supported by hundreds of volunteers.

Help us continue the good fight by making a generous gift to your Maryland Sierra Club Chapter today.

Thank you,

Brian Ditzler, Chair, Maryland Chapter Executive Committee
Josh Tulkin, Director, Maryland Chapter