Ask Senator Cardin to vote NO on Pruitt Nomination

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Ask Senator Ben Cardin to VOTE NO ON PRUITT!

The Senate is taking up a cloture vote today and will do a formal vote tomorrow (Friday) on the nomination of Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency.  Recently, Maine Senator Susan Collins announced she will vote "no", putting us within striking distance of blocking this dangerous nomination.

Please join us in urging Senator Ben Cardin to vote NO on Scott Pruitt's nomination, because he is unfit to lead the EPA. 


1.    Call 202-750-2411 or Text PRUITT to 69866

You will receive instructions and a talking point then get connected to Senator Cardin's office directly to leave a message.

2.   Then spread the word. 

Share this post on social media, email to friends, tell your neighbors, whatever it takes to make sure Senator Cardin gets the message that Pruitt = Pollution and harm to our communities.  


The lifesaving work of the EPA is too important to let someone like Scott Pruitt run it, because he is committed to protecting polluters, not people. We've worked too hard for new protections for our air, water and climate to let Pruittdismantle them. We've already seen reductions in air pollution, mercury pollution in fish, and we've seen reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. 

While Attorney General of Oklahoma, Pruitt refused to do anything about the growing problem of earthquakes linked to increased fracking in his state. Instead, he took millions of dollars in campaign donations from big polluters and turned around and sued the EPA to allow those same polluters to be able to emit more mercury, more smog, and more climate-disrupting carbon. He even took polluter talking points, copied them on to state letterhead, and then passed them along to EPA as his office's official position. He even fought against more clean energy for Oklahoma, even though it would mean less pollution and more jobs.

The EPA is particularly imporant to  Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay.  The EPA implements the Clean Water Act, the primary vehicle that has been used to  facilitate the Bay states in partnering on Chesapeake Bay Cleanup. Without a strong EPA, our progress in cleaning up the Bay is in peril.