Native Plant Sale Benefits Howard Sierra Club

Native Plant Sale Howard Co at Grandfathers Garden nursery Jade Martucci 9 2016 by Joanne Heckman web

Grandfather's Garden Center in Columbia stocks native plants year-round. In an effort to raise awareness about native plants, and their availability, Grandfather's partnered with Joanne Heckman of the Howard County Group to hold fundraisers in the summer and fall of this year. One day a week, the Garden Center donated a portion of the proceeds from all native plants sales to an environmental non-profit. Joanne and an assistant attended the sales on those days to meet the public and answer questions about native plants. 

In addition to raising funds and awareness, home gardeners were invited to donate their extra plants to the sales. Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists and other native-plant enthusiasts thinned their flower beds for a good cause. By selling homegrown plants, Grandfather's was able to increase the supply of plants available for sale, without increasing their costs for the fundraisers.
Native plants are available every day at Grandfather's Garden Center (located at 5320 Phelps Luck Drive, Columbia, 21045). The Sierra Club benefits from two sales, one in June and another in September. Fundraising sales will continue each Sunday through October 30 to benefit Columbia Families in Nature, Whipps Garden Cemetery, Howard County Conservancy, Transitions Howard County, and the Howard Community College. Donations of plants are always welcome; any left over after the sales will find a home in a local rain garden. Joanne Heckman coordinates donations and can be contacted at
The photo shows Grandfather's Garden Center with native plants (sun-loving and shade-loving on their respective tables), and assistant Jade Martucci.

Joanne Heckman, Sierra Club Howard County