Supporters of smart growth in Charles County celebrate!

Amanda Stewart and Ken Robinson SGACC picnic 160731 266-078 (1)

On Sunday, July 31, supporters of smart growth in Charles County gathered under beautiful blue skies on the shores of Mattawoman Creek to celebrate the passage of a new comprehensive land-use plan.  Read about the details of the plan here.  The plan will protect treasured natural areas in the county, including the cherished Mattawoman.

The celebration was organized by the Smarter Growth Alliance for Charles County (SGACC), which includes the Maryland Sierra Club.  The adoption of this comprehensive plan caps off an inspiring ten year effort to protect the Mattawoman Creek and Chapman Forest from a variety of threats.  The effort has been blessed by amazing activists like Sierra Club's own Bonnie Bick, Jim Long of the Mattawoman Watershed Society, and support from 1000 Friends of Maryland, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and many more amazing local and state and regional partners of the  Smarter Growth Alliance of Charles County.

On its Facebook Page, the Smarter Growth Alliance said "Because of the leadership and vision of Commissioner President Peter F. Murphy, Commissioner Ken Robinson and Commissioner Amanda Stewart, Charles County has a fabulous new Comprehensive Plan. For the first time in the county's history, we have a growth plan that preserves our environmental assets and curbs destructive sprawl development."

As a lesson in endurance, this coalition responded to each threat with creative tactics and political responses.  Member groups of SGACC defeated plans for the proposed Southern link to the massive "outer beltway", the Cross County Connector highway,  a power transmission line, a Walmart Superstore and industrial development around an airport.   Using a combination of public educaton, outings, and political engagement, they built a powerful constituency and connected people with the decision making process.  

Mattawoman Celebration

Commissioners Amanda Stewart and Ken Robinson, two of three commissioners who voted for the new land-use plan, address the participants. (Peter Murphy, the third commissioner, had to be out of town.)