Go Solar with the Sierra Club and Earn $1000

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Solar Energy is an essential tool in the fight against global warming, and it is becoming cheaper every day.  That's why Sierra Club is teaming up with Sungevity to offer our members a great deal on solar, and help fund our work in the process.

This summer, if you sign up for solar, you will get $1000 back instantly, and Sierra Club will get $750 that will go directly to the Maryland Chapter to support our work.

Why go solar?

  • Save money. Get a $1,000 discount when you go solar by June 30th with the Sierra Club and Sungevity. And, with rooftop solar, you could pay less for electricity - quite possibly saving thousands over time.
  • Support the Sierra Club. Sungevity will send $750 to your Maryland Chapter when you go solar.
  • Save the planet. Solar reduces your carbon footprint - the equivalent of not driving your car for 20 years.

Making a decision to go solar will benefit you for many years to come. Get a quote today to find the rooftop solar option that's right for you.