More Clean Energy for Howard County!

When we said renewable energy source, we didn't mean garbage. And burning garbage for power is not the "energy answer" we were looking for. Now that both the Howard County government and school system have separately cancelled their contracts with Energy Answers International, it's almost certain that the trash-fueled incinerator at Curtis Bay will never be built. 

Thank you to the Howard County officials who made the choice for clean energy...and incidentally, support reducing, recycling and composting that particular resource instead.

To celebrate, there will be an outdoor concert for people from all over Maryland to explore positive alternatives for Curtis Bay--like an exciting solar energy proposal--alongside the residents there through art, music, and fellowship.

WHAT: Concert and Art Festival for Fair Development

WHEN: April 25, 2015, at 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

WHERE: Benjamin Franklin High School, 1201 Cambria St., Baltimore, MD 21225 


Sierra Club Carpool

Questions? Contact the Staff Organizer for the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal campaign, Seth Bush, at