Wind Energy is Under Attack in Maryland

Maryland's rapidly growing wind energy industry is under attack during this legislative session in Annapolis.  Your help is urgently needed to combat this misguided and blatant attack on renewable energy.

Call your legislators today and ask them to oppose SB 899, which would roll back the historic O’Malley Off Shore Wind bill of 2013 by prohibiting the Maryland Public Service Commission (MPSC) from awarding offshore renewable energy credits (ORECS) inside the BOEM-designated Wind Energy Area.  This bill would also prohibit on-shore wind in almost all of Maryland.  Pioneer Green, developers of the Great Bay Wind Project, proposed for Somerset County have already pulled up stakes in Maryland after a series of political attacks against them made their project financially unviable. Here is a link to that story:

MAKE NO MISTAKE.  This bill will destroy on-shore and off-shore wind power in Maryland under the guise of protecting Patuxent River Naval Air Station, in a ruse that masks the real motive.  
Patuxent will be just fine, but if the Maryland Legislature passes SB899, the residents of Maryland – the Eastern state with the dirtiest air – will continue to suffer the health effects of breathing dirty air, which include asthma, lung disease, and even early death.  Maryland desperately needs renewable energy, and both off-shore and on-shore wind can help provide that.
Call, email, and write your legislators immediately!  Visit to find your legislators, and click on a legislator's name to view their contact information.
Please call today!
Thank you,
Donna McDowell & Rich Reis
MD Sierra Club Energy Committee
Please contact with questions or to get involved!