State Funds Needed to Remove State's Dam

March 9, 2015

After years of research, discussion, and planning, the Bloede Dam near the mouth of the Patapsco River is scheduled for demolition this fall. The dam is both a barrier to fish traveling upstream to spawn, and a safety hazard to recreational users of the river. Simkins Dam and Union Dam, farther upstream, have already been removed as part of of a major federal-state effort to restore the river. American Rivers is coordinating the Bloede Dam removal project.

Now, the Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2015 proposes cuts to the funding of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, which will mean the loss of $1 million previously allocated to remove the state-owned Bloede Dam. Without the obligatory contribution from the state, the project could lose the $7.7 million federal share, which comes from grants from NOAA, the National Fish and Wildlife Federation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (Learn more in the recent Bay Journal article). 

Urge the Maryland General Assembly to restore funds for the Bloede Dam removal. Contact the Chair of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee:; or contact Governor Hogan at .

Let's finish the job and free the river for the health and safety of all its users.