Sierra Club Lobby Night, March 2nd - Be at the Table

Sierra Club's Lobby Night is Monday March 2nd, and we need volunteers from across the state to join this critical event.  There couldn't be a  more important time to be involved, we are literally fighting to defend all of our progress from the last 8 years.  And we need your help.  

In his first month in office, Governor Larry Hogan hasn't wasted any time.  He's threatened to open Maryland to fracking, blocked critical health-protections for Maryland's coal-fired power plants, attacked funding to reduce polluted runoff into the Chesapeake Bay, withdrawn rules to manage chicken manure dumping on the Eastern Shore. 


We'll have everything you need, talking points, an overview of the bills and advice on how to lobby.  Whether you've done this 100 times or you're new, come on out, have some fun, and help us make a difference this year in Annapolis!

"Either you are at the table, or you're on the menu".  - Oscar Wilde

If you want to be at the table, show up on March 2nd for Sierra Club's Environmental Lobby Night!    Let's fight back with one, big night of citizen environmental activism.

Here are the details:

  • WHO: You, your friends and neighbors!
  • WHEN: Monday, March 2 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm.
  • WHERE: Annapolis, Lowe House Office Building (6 Bladen Street, room 250)

We need your help to pass these critical environmental bills, and many more. 

  • The Pollinator Protection Act would reduce harmful pesticides that endanger bees, butterflies, and birds - key species that ensure our food supply.
  • More Clean and Renewable Energy   Increasing climate pollution requires us to step up our clean energy goals.  We must ensure incentives for the cleanest sources of energy, and and the creation of a cap on all dirty air sources like incineration and black liquor.
  • The Phosphorous Management Tool (PMT) tackles a problem people would prefer to ignore... chicken poop (yuk) flowing from farm fields into the Bay.   Big agricultural operations are the main polluters of the Chesapeake Bay.  Passing the Phosphorus Management Tool would force big ag to clean up its act.  
  • Maryland Needs a Moratorium on Fracking   Fracking is a dangerous, unhealthy process, and the fracking industry has a track record of repeated violations in other states. The Sierra Club supports SB 409 and HB 449, which would set an eight year moratorium on fracking in Maryland, sufficient to conclude important public health studies.   When it comes to public health, precaution is the only acceptable approach, and the studies clearly demonstrate that current regulations are insufficient to protect public health and the environment. 
  • Polluted Runoff  The Governor wants to repeal the Polluted Runoff Law, which ensures that our most densely populated counties can put local projects in the ground to clean up Maryland's severely polluted rivers and streams.  We must defend the Law from attack to achieve our clean water goals.