Learn How You Can Help Clean Up Dirty Coal

We're ready to turn up the heat on Governor Hogan to ensure his administration implements long-awaited health protections from Maryland's dirty coal plants in time for the 2015 asthma season.

Join the MD Beyond Coal team, Sierra Club staff, and a special guest from the MD House of Delegates for a call on Thursday at 8pm to learn about our next steps and how you can help!

Date:  Thursday, February 26

Time: 8:00pm-9:00pm

Call-in: 410-402-5062 (no PIN needed)
Recent actions by Governor Larry Hogan to pull the Nitrogen Oxide regulations moments before they were set for enactment, coupled with his administration’s continued pandering to energy companies such as NRG, requires our immediate attention. We have made phone calls, sent letters, published several LTE's, met with key members of Hogan's staff, and more. Yet, The Governor continues to block critical health protections that would start saving lives this summer from dirty coal plant pollution. Furthermore, he has indicated that he is interested in weakening the critical health-protections we have worked so hard for to the point where they would have little to no effect on our poor air quality.
We can't let that happen, and we’re ready to turn up the heat on this campaign by taking bolder action to ensure the NOx rules get implemented without further delay.